10) Prologue

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How the book starts!


People will read or leave based on their first impression! Make sure that that first impression is good.


In this chapter I'm not writing alot:

1) make it the description
2) add a cliffhanger
3) never introduce the characters, let the reader discover them.
4) try not to stereotype. Example;
Jane is the nerd and James is the Jerk.
5) make it mysterious


Grammar and spell check are very important because people make first impressions.


Hey! I'm adding a few chapters on Q's and A's after I update every idea I have. So please comment all the questions you have here in wattpad and I'll hopefully answer them soon enough!

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Another thing is thanks for the 250+ reads and the 50+ votes! Please help me get to 100+ votes! If you tag 10 people and they vote on every chapter in this book then it's more than possible.

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