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Here's a short-ish one I wrote last year (before QoS) out of a whim during midnight actually. I was lurking through Instagram like always and I saw this quote that had been released. Immediately ideas formed in my head and I ended up writing this. Oh and also: it's a Celorian fanfic with a twinge of platonic Rowaelin.
Disclaimer: I do not in ANY way own these characters nor the original storyline. All rights go to the awesome Sarah J Maas.

Aelin fell to the ground, her chest heaving as her sobs racked throughout her body. She couldn't believe it—he was gone because of her. The wyrdstone collar and his ashes were the only remnant of Dorian, the only evidence that proved that he had been in this room too. No, not him — the Valg prince that had worn his face and controlled him like a puppeteer. Aelin heard footsteps, the creak of hinges and—
Rowan. His pine and snow scent wafted through the air.
"Aelin," he said. When she didn't glance at him Rowan said her name again with such urgency that she finally looked up. His face was bloody, undoubtedly the blood of Adarlanian soldiers that he had butchered, but his eyes that were usually empty were filled with grief. Grief for her.
"I couldn't." She choked. "I couldn't save him. It was only my fire that could put him out."
She remembered the way her heart had froze when he stood with eyes that were not of his own, not the same eyes that had been so vibrant. But that had not been why she had been sobbing, why grief had filled every pore of her body. It had been the realisation that Dorian was her mate, that it was him all along. She remembered how he had believed in her from the start and did not judge her for her magic and fae heritage. Aelin suddenly became aware that out of everything she had experienced the past year, all she had wanted was Dorian's protection for she could not stand him being hurt.
Rowan seemed to understand everything without her having to say anything. He embraced her and brushed away the tears that had left trails from her eyes. They stayed like that, in each other's arms not saying a word until Aelin broke the silence.
"I- I'm a monster." she whispered hoarsely. "I killed my own mate, I'm a—" her voice cracked before she could further continue.
"If you're a monster, I'm a monster." Rowan's voice was also quiet. Because he had gone through the same thing as her. He had killed his mate too—Lyria, with his own selfish pride believing that leaving her would further his agenda.
"Aelin, you know that you are not going through this alone. Know that I am with you in this, every step of the way. For every trouble and lows that you may encounter, know that I would be there to help you. Because that's what we do, help each other—protect each other." He loosened his arms around her and held out his hand, the scar on his palm gleamed with her tears.
A promise for a world that they would continue to both step in together. Aelin didn't have to endure the pain alone. He was with her, bound to her.
Aelin reached for his outstretched arm, their identical scars connecting as she rose.

So um, I hope this fic was okay/good. I'm just gonna publish this on a whim tbh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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