lovely day with laurance! -7-

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Hey guys melony here! And welcome to anther laurmau story ! Enjoy!
With love :melony~♡


I'm blushing right now like a red tomato BECOUSE IM IN LAURENCE BACK!...but it's so much tho! ^-^
Ugh...I'm so hungry right now I'm starving!!!

"Laurance?" She asked him.
"Yes aphmau?"(he look at his back into her eyes ) *because she in his back!*
"I'm soo hunger you don't mind if you bring me to kawaii~chans made cáfe? Please?" She asked him.
"I don't mind actually becouse I'm hunger to!" (He starts to walk)

---at the made cáfe---

"Ok here we go wait... can you walk?" He ask her.

"Well let me try!" (She's try to walk)

"Ow!" Then (She fall in his arm)

"Got you!and it's better you don't walk again..." He says.

"..." (She didn't say anything but blushing )

"Aphmau? A-are you okay?wait ... Y-YOUR BLUSHING! How cute!!~♡"

"Hahaha! Stop! Don't make me laugh!... but seriously tho you have to be with me the whole time because I'm hurt!"

"Yes of course your my friend and I care for you! hey let just go inside!"
(He open the door still aphmau in his back)

"OMG! I miss this place I LOVE kawaii~chan's made cáfe!"

"Glad to hear w-wait... is that kawaii~chan? She was in the haunted house with the athers" (he look at aphmau)

"That's right let just sit down and she well come to us!"(laurance put aphmau on the chair) (She's blushing)

"Your so cute when you blush!"

"Becouse YOU make me blushing more! " Aphmau yell.

"hahaha!" (They laugh till...)

"Hi! And welcome to kawww-----aphmau~senpai ?!?!? Laurance~cun?!?!? Kawaii~chan thought you guys in the haunted house with the others!" (She looks at them)

"Same... we thought you are in the haunted house with athers!" Laurance says.

"Well... kawaii~chan was with the others and then kawaii~chan was scered so she says let me go outside and go to my mide cáfe and see how the mides going!" She says.

"Ooh! That's great kawaii~chan! You see... me laurance was one "group" because of KIKI!!!...and I'm kinda hurt and then I was huger so me and laurance though let's go to your cáfe becouse you know LOVE kawaii things!!!" Aphmau says.

"Oh ok! What kawaii~chan can bring you two?!" She asked.

"One vanilla cake and one cáfe please!" Aphamu says.

"One chocolate cake and one cáfe please!" Laurance says.

"Got it!"

---1 min later---

"Ok kawaii~chan got one vanilla cake and a cáfe for aphmau~senpai, and one chocolate cake and one cáfe for laurance~cun!" (She give them)

"W-wait there's only-" (kawaii~chan run)

Ugh... great there's only one spun! I know that kawaii~chan ship us but-ugh...kawaii~chan!!!!

"Um aphamu? Is some thing wrong?" Laurance asked.

"Well... there is! Kawaii~chan left ONE spun for us!" Aphmau says.

"Here let me feed you!" Laurance says as he put the spun on her cake then put it on her mouth)

(She's blushing)

----510 words----

Hope you guys like this part!

With love :melony~♡

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