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Natasha tried to sneak away with Clint, Steve and Bucky after they had closed the shop.

"Where are you four going?" Kate asked skeptically when she saw Natasha headed in the same direction as the guys.

"Erm-they said they would walk with me to the train station so I can get home." Natasha quickly explained.

"Yeah, we're being gentlemen here." Bucky said with a sneer when Kate rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"Then how come you never ever walk with me?" Kate challenged with raised eyebrows and crossed arms.

Bucky looked away in defeat, but mumbled something about her not being as hot and beautiful.

"Just be careful, Natasha. These guys might just take you to a hotel." Kate advised.

"Hey, we're not that savage!" Clint protested but knew that Kate was just exaggerating.

"Thanks for your concern, Kate, but I think I'll be fine." Natasha smiled sweetly in assurance.

With that, they waved goodbye and went their separate ways.

Natasha walked with the guys flanking her. It felt safe to be surrounded by bigger, taller and stronger people while walking the streets of downtown at dusk. Alexi and her parents had often told her, or rather warned her about the dangers lurking at every alley and corner. For all she knew, the people she was walking with could possibly be part of that danger too, but somehow she just knew they weren't. The sense of security they provided her felt unreal, for she had just got to know them a few hours ago. She started to worry about Kate walking on her own but decided it was unnecessary seeing she did that everyday.

A gust of wind blew past, causing Natasha to shiver. She silently cursed herself for not bringing a jacket along.

Clint must have noticed, for he shrugged his purple hoodie off and offered it to her.

Natasha accepted it appreciatively and put it on. Her hands were hidden by the too long sleeves and she felt like an octopus waving its tentacles whenever she lifted her arms. She wrapped her arms round her body as she walked.

"So, have you guys completed your studies?" She asked out of nowhere.

"We're supposed to be in college right now considering our age, but I guess we're not that academically inclined." Steve answered and stole a glance at Natasha who had her eyes on the pavement.

"You're waiting for your college approval letters right? Smart." Bucky commented with a smirk and Natasha looked up at him with a faint smile.

"What's the use of being smart when I've got no freedom and happiness?" She sighed, "I'd rather be like you guys."

"Is uptown really that bad?" Clint questioned.

"It's not bad if you enjoy wealth and status and stuff, but that's not what I want." Natasha replied a little sadly.

"C'mon, it's happy hour now, we should be happy! Please do allow your frown to go on a short vacation, Natasha." Bucky announced and used his fingers to trace the corners of his mouth upwards. Natasha broke into a giggle.

A warm and fuzzy feeling took their hearts on a ride. If Natasha's laugh wasn't the most satisfying sound they'd heard all day, they'd be lying. It was simply music from heaven. They too broke into laughter and smiles.

"Let's hurry and get a good seat!" Clint urged and they quickened their footsteps.

The walk took no more than fifteen minutes and soon the neon signboard with the name Pablo's in fancy font came into view.

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