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1:37 P.M.
Shit, shit, shit. I am literally about to die.

"DUDE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Collin yelled. "I found two more!" Grant hollered into the lunchroom as he pulled a sleek looking gun out of his waistband.

Parker stood up from the table and walked up to me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here, Grant?" Parker said smoothly.

I was going to kill this man for what he has done to me and my friends. And I must be looking at their leader right now, I thought with pure hatred.

Grant was still behind the corner dealing with Collin. "GET IN THERE COLLIN! I'LL SHOOT YOU IF I HAVE TOO!" Grant screamed. "YOU BASTARD!" Collin yelled back. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" Collin lunged for Grant and tackled him to the ground as hard as he could, almost knocking Grant out.

Parker stepped around the corner and pulled out his gun.


He shot at the ground beside them.


Collin froze and immediately rolled off Grant.

"Stand up and turn around," Parker said. Collin stood up and turned around.

By that time, everyone else had come to watch what was happening.

"Belle, come help me get Grant up!" Parker ordered. "Sure thing," Belle purred.

These people were disgusting.

Belle was tall and thin, but her brown hair looked so bad that it almost seemed like she had just about fried it off from straightening it too much. She looked like she was about twenty years old, and I bet she was a cheerleader in high school.

I wanted to kill this bitch.

Along with Belle, Parker, and Charlie, there were three more guys. One was bald and looked like Dwayne Johnson, only ten years younger. Dwayne Johnson didn't look too bright. I was pretty sure he was just one of the stupid henchmen that did all the dirty work for Parker.

The guy to Dwayne Johnson's right looked like an Oompa Loompa. He had brown curly hair and was about 5'3. I could probably sit on this guy and kill him, except for the fact that he looked like a pro wrestler.

Well, I guess Oompa Loompa is the other dimwit.

Finally the last guy was tall and had jet black hair matches with pale blue eyes, he actually looked pretty smart.

Huh, wonder what he does.

Everyone looked like they were in there late twenties. "What should we do with these kids?" Parker said as he turned to his friends. "Belle?" Parker asked. "Just shoot them already!" Belle exasperatedly replied in the whiniest, highest pitched voice I had ever heard.

I wanted to throw up.

Was this girl annoyed at having to deal with us?!  Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. Oh I don't know, how about stop MURDERING all of my friends and LEAVE.

I was literally going to kill this chic.

"Charlie?" "Yeah, let's just kill them," Charlie said with a smirk on his face.

Let's just go ahead and add him to the list of people I'm going to kill.


Oh wow, his name actually was Dwayne.

"WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO BOSS," Dwayne yelled even though Parker was only three feet away from him. "Uh, okay then... What do you think we should do with them, Aaron?" "Oh I don't know Boss," Oompa Loompa replied. "What about you Dylan?" Parker asked. "What if we let them go with a five minute head start? Then we chase them down and it's shoot to kill. That way we can have a little fun too," Dylan said menacingly. That guy is just evil. "Good idea Dylan! Let them go and somebody start a timer!" Parker yelled "I will!" Belle said as she walked past me. "Have fun, sweetie," She said sarcastically.

Oh I will, I thought as I launched myself at her.

"AAHH! GET HER OFF OF ME!" Belle shrieked as I was literally about to rip her hair out of her skull.

I was livid and I planned to make sure this girl wouldn't be able to walk again for a while.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU BITCH!" I screamed in her face.

I had never been more infuriated in my life and I didn't care what they were going to do to me as long as this girl never spoke another word to me again.

Everyone in the room was in complete shock over what was happening. Finally Dylan and Parker pried me off of Belle.

"NEVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" She spit on me then proceeded to slap me across the face. I lunged for her again, but Parker restrained me. "AHH!" She squealed. "Keep that monster away from me!" "MONSTER?! WHO WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED ALL OF MY FRIENDS TODAY? THAT WAS YOU! YOU'RE THE MONSTER!" I yelled back at her.

I absolutely hated that girl and I made sure she knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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