Chapter 3

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When they got back to camp after the patrol, Willowpaw heard the sound of Leafstar calling a clan meeting. Following her mentor's scent, she padded to the Highledge and sat down.

"Today we will make three new apprentices. Brindlekit, Coalkit, and Foxkit. Coalpaw, your mentor will be Darkfoot. Darkfoot, Pearlfire taught you everything you know. Pass on this knowledge to Coalpaw. Foxpaw, your mentor will be Iceshadow. Iceshadow, you have been a wonderful mother as well as mentor. Teach everything you know to Foxpaw. Brindlepaw, you mentor will be Flamewhisker. He is very wise and a great deputy. Learn all you can from him, because you will be his last apprentice. He is soon retiring to the elders den."

The clan cheered the three new apprentices names as Willowpaw walked up to them. "Congrats. You should come make a nest and get some rest for training tomorrow."

"Thanks." Coalpaw dipped her head. Willowpaw followed the other five apprentices Into the den for the night.

"Come on, Willowpaw. Time for training. Come on! Get up." She woke up to Brindlepaw prodding her in the side.

"Enough!" She growled, sitting up. "Who am I training with today?"

"Everyone." Came the muffled reply.

"So everyone is training together? Cool." Willowpaw got up and followed Brindlepaw's scent to the training area where the other apprentices and mentors waited.

"Okay," Flamewhisker began, "because Willowpaw is blind, you have to figure out different ways to protect her from ten different warriors at once. Be prepared, because we can attack at any time." As soon as he said attack, all six mentors attacked.

Willowpaw sensed the change in tone and sprang forward just as the warriors did. She leaped forward and started tackling the warrior in front of her, who was Darkfoot. She got a paw to the face and then the weight disappeared from on top of her. She felt the pelts of all the other apprentices brushing against hers as they pushed the warriors back. Willowpaw suddenly heard a bush rustle as four more warriors jumped out.

"Push back at them!" She cried as Cinderleaf tumbled into her. She hissed at Cinderleaf and tried to pin her down.

"Okay. That's enough." Everyone stopped at the yowl of Skywren. They stood panting as she continued, "Let's go collect moss for Briarwing and the other warriors and then get some rest." The apprentices and mentors along with Bumblescar, Stonedust, Blazeclaw and Gorseleaf agreed and padded off in different directions. Willowpaw padded towards the ShadowClan border alone. Finding a nice patch of moss, she carefully pulled it off. Willowpaw's ear twitched as she heard a bush rustle and a rush of air behind her.

Probably just a rabbit. She thought to herself.

"Fox-dung!" Willowpaw heard a hiss of frustration coming from behind her. She spun around and raced toward the voice. Jumping on top of the bundle of fur, she realized a ShadowClan apprentice had strayed across the border and gotten himself stuck in some brambles.

"What are you doing on my territory?!" She growled, clawing him lightly.

"Hey!! I thought I was on my own territory. Not yours. If you hadn't noticed, you happen to be very deep in my territory!" He growled, getting free of the brambles. He leaped on top of her and pinned her down, "And any cat would know that."

"Well I didn't so just lead me back to my territory and I'll be on my way." She growled back, trying to get free.

"Not a chance. You're coming with me! Blacktail, Deadleaf, Mooseclaw!! I found some ThunderClan scum on our territory!" He called out. Soon the three cats he called bounded through the trees to see her still pinned.

"Let's take her to camp." A deep voice growled, "then we can let Tawnystar deal with this." She felt the tom's teeth dig into her scruff and pick her up onto her feet.

They traveled for a very short distance while the four cats surrounded her. When they got to the camp, Tawnystar had been organizing patrols with Dustfire. Tawnystar looked up and asked, "Who is this?"

"A ThunderClan cat that happened to be very deep in our territory." A tom sneered.

"Enough Deadleaf. What's her name?" Replied their leader with a snarl.

"M-my name is Willowpaw." She stuttered, pawing at the ground.

"Well Willowpaw, we'll deal with you in the morning." He called back over his shoulder.

After hearing the leader pad off, she heard the warriors and apprentices snicker behind her. She felt someone shove her into a small hole next to their apprentices den just before she heard another cat growl, "Guard her at all times. Oakscar, you take first watch."

She growled before hearing, "Shut up you ThunderClan fleabag!" She hissed in reply and got a scratch to her cheek.
"I told you to shut up!" Oakscar growled again. Willowpaw narrowed her eyes and then tried to get comfortable in the tiny space.

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