You can't marry a man you just met

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Hiro's POV

Dipper, Mabel, and I were sitting right outside the castle, thinking about Y/n and Bill.

"There has to be a way to stop this." Said Mabel. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"Mabel, that's it!" I said. "We can sneak into the wedding and tell everyone the truth about Bill!"

"That's a great idea, Hiro" Dipper said. "But I think Y/n is still gonna marry Bill. Besides, the wedding might be cancelled."

Mabel tilted her head. "Wait what? How?" she asked.

"Well, Y/n will tell Hiccup about Bill, and Hiccup might disagree about Y/n getting married to him." Dipper explained. "It's kind of like what Elsa said to Anna."

"You can't marry a man you just met!" Mabel said excitedly. "Hiro, Dipper, you guys are geniuses!"

Your POV

You were guiding Bill to see your father, who would (hopefully) approve of your marriage.

"Um.. Dad?" you called out. Hiccup turned around and saw you. "This is Bill, and we would like your blessing of our marriage!"

Hiccup's eyes became wide. "Wait, marriage. Y/n, you can't marry a man you just met! Plus, what if he's the unnamed villain?"

Bill stepped forward. "For your information, I do have a name. It's T- I mean Bill Cipher!" he yelled.

"I still don't trust this man." Hiccup said. "Y/n, as king, I order you to escort him out of this town and make sure he never comes back."

"I agree with Hiccup!" A voice said. It was Hiro, along with those two twins.

Hiro walked up to you. "Y/n, he's right. You can't marry a man you just met! You don't even know much about love!"

You blurted a sentence out, one that you regretted saying right after you were done saying it.

"At least I know more than you, Hiro! All you know is how to shut people out!!!"

Hiccup started to get mad. "That's it. You asked for my blessing, but I say no. The coronation is over."

You got mad as well. "Fine! I have more important things to worry about, anyways!"

You started to walk away, Bill following, until someone pulled on your hand. Or in this case, your glove.

You turned around and saw that it was Hiro who did that. "Seriously, Hiro?" You yelled.

You looked into his eyes and saw the pain and tears. "Y/n please, I can't live like this anymore!" Hiro's tears started coming out of his eyes. "I love you, and you know that. I'm sorry! I will literally play that Justin Bieber song to tell you how sorry I am."

Ignoring that last sentence, you started getting teary eyed as well. "Then why don't you just leave? Find someone new, you don't need me."

"Fine." Hiro turned around and started walking towards the nearest exit, Dipper and Mabel following.

Bill put a hand on your shoulder.

"You did what you had to."

I'm sorry I just had to XD

Feels are everywhere. Also another obvious hint.

Last chapter for a few days, I'm going to 6th grade camp and there us no phones allowed over there.

Also, is it bad that I'm starting to ship Helsa (Hans x Elsa) now? I feel like I'm shipping Elsa with everyone.

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