Part 1

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"Dinner," the guard sneered, shoving food through the cell bars. Jaxlin poked around and decided not to eat it when it started crawling around. It had been 3 weeks, and the Free hadn't even tried to get Jax back. The Cap tried to make your stay as pleasant as possible, from your murderous roommate to the crawling food.
Jax sighed and Qualt glanced at her. Qualt was in jail for 6 more days, a day for each person he had murdered. He had murdered 23 people, so he had arrived there about two days before Jax.
"Hey Princess, you still waitin' for the Free to get ya?" Qualt grumbled. "Cuz it ain't happenin'." Jax ignored Qualt and threw her food at the guard, hitting him in the back. The guard whipped around and clawed his shirt off. For punishment, he kicked Jax before leaving.
"Hey, Princess. Why don't you and I work together. I know I'm supposed to leave in six days, but so was that guy over there," Qualt motioned. Jax turned, and saw a guy that had been there long before them, complete with white, poorly shaven hair. Jax looked at Qualt and wondered how working together might benefit her. Ever since getting captured, Jax had been mute.
The guard returned with a new shirt, and stopped in front of Jax's cell.
"Hey, mute. Time to go," the guard announced. Jax slowly rose to her feet, and the guard roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her down the corridor, and through a door labeled office. Jax knew that this was bad. Real bad.
Another guy, obviously with higher authority because of the medals on his chest, stepped forward.
"Thank you X13B8. Dismissed," he said. X13B8 left the room, but not before chaining Jax up to an operation like table.
"You've been here for three weeks, Jax. You know the rules. Poorly decided actions will go punished, and you are no exception. Stay put. Oh wait, you can't move," the man said. Jax looked around as the guy left the room. It looked like... An office the Free had for punishment on the Cap people who would try to kill them, which meant not pleasant. The guy entered the room again, with a syringe in his hand. The content of the syringe were... Moving?
"These, are maggots. And maybeeeee the occasional termite. Not sure. They're alive. Now, if you're going to choose not to eat your food, we have to make sure you still get a proper diet."
Jax groaned inwardly. No. She was not going to eat that. No way. She thrashed and the man chuckled.
The man walked over to her, and forced her mouth open. He put the syringe in her mouth, and pushed the contents out. Jax thrashed, and thrashed. The man forced her to chew and she had to choice but to swallow. He checked her mouth and patted her.
"Be good now, I don't want to be seeing you again," he told her. X13B8 came back in and threw her in her cell. She groaned and fell over, not moving.
"What did they do to you?" Qualt asked.
"Don't tell them I talk... Look, I'll try to escape with you. Is it possible?" Jax whispered.
"Escape is possible," said a new voice. Jax and Qualt looked up into the face of a guard............

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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