Chapter 1: A Slow Day

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Shisui at the age of nineteen was nothing more than an average employee at a small coffee shop located at a pit stop on a deserted side road. He would go into his job, day in and day out, and get paid just as any other average citizen would. He smiled at his customers heartily, laughed, and engaged in the common flirtatious interests the young girls would take in the curly haired boy. When his shifts were slow, he'd experiment with the latte flavors or gaze out at the barren land outside of the large glass window. The only customers the small shop received were visitors from other states, or locals from the area.
One early August morning, the air conditioner had stopped working and everyone in the shop was pooling sweat into their shoes. Everyone but Shisui. The boy loved the warmth the sun brought in and declared that they open the windows to let the breeze in. It would be a slow day for the coffee shop employees, so Shisui turned off the pots and sat on a stool beside the window.
He stared up at the wispy clouds slowly moving across the azure sky. He smiled to himself, seeing the birds sore through the wind and effortlessly land onto the wires atop the poles that marked the boundaries of the roads. What a beautiful day? He thought to himself. The quiet atmosphere added to the effect of the gorgeous summer afternoon. The only sounds that could be heard were the few passing cars and the groans of the heat stricken employees.
"Shisui? Did you turn off the pots?" An employee known by the name of Kakashi asked. His voice was always muffled by the bandana he wore around his mouth, and everyone always pondered what he could possibly be hiding.
"Yup. I figured that the business today would be slow," Shisui smiled friendly at the silver-spiky haired man.
"Alright. I was just making sure," Kakashi dipped his head and walked back to the kitchen, pushing the swinging door hard enough that Shisui received a breeze of refreshing cool air.
Shisui relished in the refreshing breeze before returning his gaze outside. He laid his head upon the sill and sun bathed. He truly was a summer child, although his birthday was in autumn.
Just as he began to doze off into a wonderful daydream, he heard a louder engine than most cars begin to sound down the street.
He titled his head up, letting his eyes adjust to the brightness once more before squinting down the road to see where the sound had been coming from. Before his eyes, was a limousine; sleeked in black paint with tire rims that looked more expensive than his own car.
He blinked and rubbed his eyes, staring at the vehicle in awe. You see, the town Shisui lived in was very poor. Poor in finances, but very rich at heart. He had not seen such a vehicle in his lifetime, and knew the person riding in the sleek limo must be from out of town.
Shisui rose to his feet and quickly turned on the pots after hearing the doors shut. He had not expected such a visit on a blazing day in August.
He walked into the kitchen as Kakashi walked out to attend to the other customers who had arrived and sat down at the stools by the island counter.
Shisui returned with a few coffee cups and plates, his back turned towards the door as he refilled the pots for their guest.
As he began to work, the doors to the small shop opened slowly to a couple large men. They were dressed in suits and wore earpieces. Kakashi knew they must have been body guards, while Shisui was well unaware because he had been attending to the pots.
In a moment's notice, a tall, lean man with long dark hair strode up to the doors. He dismissed the men and casually walked over to the stool, and sat down in silence.
Kakashi stared in awe at the gorgeous man, nearly over filling his customers drinks before turning to realize what he was doing. He apologized then walked back into the kitchen silently, letting Shisui take care of the expensive guest.
"Excuse me," the man spoke in a deep, smooth voice while eyeing Shisui from behind. He had never seen someone with such groomed curls. He grew curious as to what the other man looked like from the front.
Shisui chanced a glance over his shoulder.
"One se-" he began, but immediately turned to get the bigger picture of the incredibly impressive raven.
His hair was tied towards the end and lied upon his shoulder, it was as sleek as the limousine he had seen earlier. The features of the man were nothing short of angelic. So stoic and graceful, his poise lips curved into a small smile, his brows relaxed, and his eyes. Oh, his eyes shon like a sea of black dazzling diamonds.
Shisui's heart skipped a beat as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
The raven was nearly always stoic, but could not help but smile at the other man. He admired him. He was masculine, broad in the shoulders with a sturdy jaw. His lips were full and his nose nearly screamed he had broken it many a times; although it added to his rugged beauty. But what he was lost in, were his big, beautiful eyes. He was indecisive whether or not the sparkling orbs were black, or a deep hue of brown, but he grew lost in them as the seconds ticked by.
Shisui quickly pushed away his state of awe and smiled calmly, his eyes closed and curved upwards into a friendly beam.
"What can I get you?" He asked as he swept a clammy palm across his apron.
"I will have a Mocha Latte..-" the raven skimmed his gaze over the curly haired man's name tag briefly, "-Shisui."
"Sure," Shisui nodded then turned towards the brewing latte. He poured some into the cup and rested it on a plate, and topped off the steaming drink with whip cream before sliding it over to the raven.
"Thank you," he smiled and wrapped a couple fingers around the cup, preparing to take a drink once it had cooled.
"No problem. I don't suppose you have a name tag anywhere," Shisui chuckled and met the raven's gaze.
The man smiled softly and relaxed his shoulders.
"Itachi Uchiha," he spoke intelligently, keeping eye contact with Shisui as he spoke.
"Uchiha? Like... Uchiha Corps?" Shisui looked a bit surprised.
"Indeed," Itachi nodded and sipped his drink. Although he knew that he would be considered higher class, he acted very modestly. He did not seem interested in bragging about his familiarity.
"Isn't that over near Hollywood in California?" Shisui smiled, enjoying the modesty as he leaned against the counter top.
"Yes. The only black building on the boulevard," Itachi set his cup down and once again made eye contact with the curly haired man.
"In that case, what are you doing here in Colorado? Aren't there much more interesting places you'd rather visit?" Shisui smiled. He had always been a social butterfly.
"I have relatives here that I am visiting. It is quite a nice town. I enjoy it," Itachi was fascinated by Shisui. He had not acted as though Itachi was too famous to speak to, and that was something he had always hoped for when speaking to new people.
"Glad to hear it. I believe you had a younger brother as well, right?" Shisui was interested by the raven. It was not every day that he had the chance to speak to someone so elegant and poise. So he pulled over a stool and sat across from Itachi.
"I do. Sasuke Uchiha. He decided to head out towards our hotel we will be staying in to get rooms," Itachi lifted his drink to his lips once more.
Shisui nodded in understanding. He watched the raven sip his drink.
"This is a bit different from the lattes I've had from other stops," he glanced into the cup, and Shisui grew nervous. He did not know why he had, but he was determined to make a good impression of his town.
He stole a glance back at the pot he had gotten the latte from, and came to a sudden conclusion that that had been one of the pots he had experimented flavors with.
"Oh.... Is it... Bad..?" Shisui looked back at Itachi who was smiling softly, recognizing his nervousness.
"No. I quite like it. Did you do something to it?" He questioned Shisui kindly.
"I like to test out new flavors and mix around some stuff now and then," he chuckled, he felt at ease near Itachi; he was so calm.
"You should do it more often, the flavor is exquisite," Itachi smiled and rose to his feet, "I ought to head out to the hotel now. How much do I owe you Shisui?" He opened his wallet and looked at him softly.
"$3.50," Shisui picked up the cup and plate as Itachi placed the money on the counter.
"Keep the change," he nodded towards the money, and glanced at Shisui once more. They made brief eye contact, and visually exchanged that Itachi would be there at the same time tomorrow. With that, he turned on his heels and was escorted back to his limousine.
Shisui rinsed the dishes then picked up the cash.
He stared in awe at the $200 he held between his fingertips. But I only asked for $3.50!

~line break~

Shisui entered his home, tossing his keys onto the counter and turning down the AC. He decided he would open the windows and let the warming air enter his home.
He walked over to the kitchen window and pried it open, smiling at the rush of hot air brushing against his cheeks. He pondered whether or not tomorrow would be as warm as it was today, and if his guest would be giving him another outrageous tip. Oh, his guest. That man was simply beautiful.
Shisui leaned against the counter, daydreaming about the Raven. How could one be so simply perfect? He was like a fresh breeze of lilac on a spring morning, a rare diamond of beauty hidden in the darkest depths of any cave known to man.
He chuckled to himself as his thumb slid over the cash. Maybe he would save the money and attempt in asking the Raven on a lunch date; for dinner is too formal, and Shisui is anything but so. He wanted to do his best to make a grand impression, and he could not think of a better way to do so, other than simply being himself.
After a moment or two had passed, Shisui glanced at the time, noting that it was starting to get late. He decided he ought to go to bed to get a good night's rest for tomorrow's day at work. So he climbed up the stairs and followed the hallway down to the bathroom to prepare for his slumber.


Itachi rode quietly in the limousine. He had told the driver to turn the music off prior to his ride to the hotel. He was daydreaming and gazing out of the window, lost in brilliant images of the man he had met earlier. No one had ever been quite like him at all. Ruggedly handsome, charming, and intelligent he was indeed.
He was so lost in contempt thought that he had not realized one of his guards had opened his door to allow him out of the vehicle.
Itachi nodded his thanks to the guard and exited the vehicle, walking towards the hotel doors where he would meet his younger brother, Sasuke.
"You sure took your time," the younger Raven spoke bitterly.
Sasuke was not much shorter than Itachi, but he was quite different. Itachi was calm and collected, whereas his younger brother tended to be hot headed and pretense. The elder brother kept his hair long and sleek, while the younger kept his hair short and spiked in the back, with fringed bangs.
"Did I? I thought as though I rushed," Itachi shed his dress coat and hung it over his right arm.
"Hn. That always seems to be the case," Sasuke stared briefly before turning to register their rooms.
"I suppose so," Itachi stood beside Sasuke and helped him decide which room to take.
At the end of the discussion on rooms, they decided that they would both stay in separate rooms across from one another.
"I need privacy," Sasuke looked at his brother more calmly than before as he spoke.
"Of course," Itachi snickered under his breath knowing exactly what younger, hormonal, brothers needed privacy for.
Sasuke squinted at Itachi in dismay, then grabbed his coat and went to see his room.
Itachi smiled softly to himself as he handed the woman at the desk the correct amount of money for their stay.
He walked up the stairs and turned left down a corridor. He read each room number carefully before finding his own, and unlocking the door to a marvelous room.
The walls were mahogany with gorgeous paintings. The curtains that framed the window leading to the balcony were rippling shades of black and white. The bed was encased in grey sheets with fashionable throw pillows; and the rugs were very soft, a color much like the wall but consisted of squares in all of the other colors including beige as well.
Itachi closed the door behind himself and got settled. His mind was still wandering about the man he met, and he knew it would be as he attempted to rest for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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