The bombs

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My life it was going swell, I had a wife and two kids. In the year 3076 after the first nuclear war the nation rose as the Brotherhood of steel in charge of the great nation. I was trained as the rank of knight my two kids are squires.
On May,31 3076 the bombs fell again the vault-tec company was canceled. Elder Gandalf ordered everyone on board the old airship the prydwern. I watched the people who were left behind as the bombs fell. I had no memory from that moment on all I saw was the prydwern falling and my two kids scared hugging their mum. I woke up in the crash everyone was dead or walked away I didn't lose any body parts only my skin was grey! I found the bodies of my wife and one of my kids the other I found alive my ten year old son he was hurt bad. I treated him by then I had found a 66. Magnum pistol I found some bullets so if anything or anyone came we could defend ourselves.We cooked up some canned meat we found in the wreckage. I was worried about my son he wasn't talking I guessed it was the injuries but he was trained to obey and survive in combat.

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