The Telling of the Five Legends

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Once the four approached the previously closed door, the strange language appeared again, Feurige read it aloud, and it opened.

Inside was breathtaking.

The walls were covered with runes and symbols, like cave drawings with words. I couldn't read any of them but the pictures were clear. As we got deeper into the cave, the older the carvings seemed to get. There was less written language and more illustration. I looked around and discovered not everyone was with us. Annabeth and Ocaso didn't want to go in and Kennon had vouched to stay with them. But Lysander and Skylark had been all over the runes and we had lost them years ago. Sarah had followed, with Jay. I stood with the four.

The tunnel suddenly opened into a large cavern, with four giant carvings, they were very distinct.

The first was a large claw, wings spread wide and with a ferocious stance, and overbearing sense of authority rushing from her bones. The carving was directly in front of us, to the north. It glowed a brilliant blue.

The next was to the left side, metaphorically, the east. A lone fox stood, wings folded, with storm clouds gathering around him. It shines white and illuminated our staring faces.

The third was to the west, a tall male deer, wings folded, standing prestigious on top of a cliff, shining his power down to the creatures of Coniurantum with wisdom. Pulsing a vibrant green, like summer grass.

And the last was a snarling wolf, wings flared brilliantly and set ablaze to the south. He was standing guard over the door way, teeth bared, ready to attack anything unwelcome.

"Wow." Breathed Jelu.

    "What?" Asked Jay.

    "There's carvings on the walls, it looks like the four Great Beasts."

"Hey look." Feurige started, standing under the entryway and baring his teeth. "I'm Ignis."

Ipa laughed, copying him and standing by the carving. "And I'm Sero."

    "I'm Levitas!" Fulgura cried in a playful manner.

    "Suka." Jelu agreed.

I gasped as the carvings began to move and walk around the span of the dome shaped room. Then before my eyes they jumped off the walls and the Four Great Beasts themselves were standing in front of us.

Levitas' fur crackled and snapped, Sero towered above us all, his massive antlers reaching for the roof. Ignis' pelt was ablaze, and Suka rumbled in admiration.

    "Well done Dragonfly." She purred, I wasn't sure who she was talking to but something me spoke out.

    "Thanks, but it wasn't easy, you have no idea how long I've waited. For centuries since the last one." I spoke, and the floor glowed beneath my feet.

    There was a carving below my feet, only it was following me like a shadow. it looked like me, but the markings were different. It had a patch over both eyes.

    "What is that?" I shrieked. "Why is it following me, and why did I say that? I didn't mean to say that!"

    "It's okay Zach, all will be made clear, soon." She laughed. "I'm sure you all have lots of questions."

    "Me first." Jay said. "Why do we keep getting so many prophecies? It's starting to get a wee bit annoying."

    Sarah gasped in horror and pulled him behind her.

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