Hidden Eyes, Hot Spring and Azgeda

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Hello there! My name is Geo.
Wrote this fanfic off the top of my mind, so basically it's a product of improvisation.

Criticism please?
Also, dunno if I'll continue this. Tell me if I should!

Costia looks like Max from Black Sails.

Apologies for the lack of length.

Soft hands run through wet hair, the water beading down each long and curly strand only to run down the young warrior's dark skin. She is in the middle of a hot spring, the water seething against her bareness but she does not mind. It is a welcoming feeling, to be surrounded by the intense warmth of steam and water. And in this scene, she is beautiful and mesmerising to the other warrior who is peering over a rock to stare.

Lexa knows she should not be looking at this young girl, who is also her age of eleven summers but she can not help herself. She's been watching her for weeks, and every time her eyes lay on such a sight she cannot bring herself to peel them off unless necessary. She wants to talk to her, but she fears if she even attempts to her voice will be no longer.

Usually, Lexa is not one to be shy, but this particular girl seems to have that affect on her.

She is curious. She wants to know everything of this soul that she watches from the shadows. Lexa knows her name. It is different, and unique but she has yet to meet anyone with the same name as another. Still, it's enticing.


It echos through her mind, and she says it before she sleeps.

Running her finger across the smooth rock she sighs quietly, trying to picture what the girl's — no Costia's skin would feel like. It's seems far too intimate to think of someone she's never talked to before in such a way, yet she cannot help it. Her life is consumed by a stranger, and she can't help but hate that… but then again, there cannot be hate without love. It is such a strong and complicated emotion.

Lexa hates that all she thinks of is Costia, that she is so distracted by her. But she still loves the idea of her, and she wants that idea to be her reality.

Her breath hitches as she see's the girl turn around and she has enough respect herself to turn. Her back is pressed to the rock now. Lexa toys with a dagger in her hand, the one gifted to her by her Nomon. It had been crafted by her Nontu, who'd been a blacksmith and her Nomon had carved in decorative patterns into the handle. They had done this before she were born.

Lexa had never the honor of meeting her brave father, who had died to the hands of Azgeda.

Before the dagger used to anger her. It used to remind her of what happened to her Nontu. Now however it felt like whenever she carried it she was carrying a small fragment of her father.

Something loud drew her away from her previous thoughts, and that something was the loud yells of warrior's. She listened for a moment, hearing a language much like Trigedaslang but with slight alterations. It was the Azgedaslang. Her eyes widen and she peers over her shoulder, seeing that Costia is gone.

Cautiously she stands, her footsteps quiet especially since she is without footwear. She frowns and see's that the towel left by the rocks is gone and she looks around, spotting a man with Costia thrown over his shoulder. Quickly, she turns, pressing her back against a tree before checking that his own back is turned. She withdraws her knife, charging at him and swiftly kicking the back of his leg. He falls, landing with a thud. With force, Lexa slams the handle of her dagger to his head.

Ultimately, he is knocked out.

With her hand pressed to the ground and her body crouched she pushes down, jumping over the warrior and looking down at Costia. She rolls the girl over, shifting the towel so it is wrapped more around her body. "Wake up." She says quietly and with no response. Her eyebrows are narrowed and she sighs, looking around and biting her lip. "Costia." Lexa says loudly, in a pleading voice.

It is frightening to see the beautiful warrior laying on the earth's surface, unconscious. She lifts her, carrying her bridal style to a cave that is nearby before placing her down. Eventually, she lifts her up again as she hears more voices.

Lexa is quiet and she holds Costia close, edging into the corner of the cave. She brings a hand up to run through the young warrior's hair, sighing at how soft and damp it feels in-between her fingers.

It also feels right.

She hears the clashing of swords outside, the yells and screams as many lay waist to many different blades. Lexa does not leave this cave, for she must hold Costia in her arms. Lexa must protect this girl that she's never spoken a word to.

She does not know why, but she must, and she does.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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