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➸The coast is a beautiful place especially if you can see it in the right light.

Erin saw it.

At the top of Silver Cliff (so called because of its silvery tint in the evening sun) she stood, gazing out onto the horizon. She closed her eyes and smiled to herself as the ocean breeze pushed her a step closer to the edge. Below her, there was only the sea, washing and eroding away at the rocks that rose out of the water like the teeth of an ancient sea monster.

When Erin tilted her head, she could spy her home town. The houses, painted a range of vivid colours, lined the beach, typical for an English seaside town. They were illuminated by the setting sun.

The sun demanded all attention,  stole it all for itself. Everything its rays touched seemed to glow bolder and stronger. There were streaks in the ocean the sun had cast, that reached out like arms trying to touch the beach.

So close, yet always just out of reach.

 Erin thought about Lewis. She stared into the sky and let the rays and salty-sea air speak to her. She had stood on this cliff so many times, but only once with Lewis. And he doesn't remember. Why should he? It was many years ago now.

Yet, Erin can recall Lewis' hand sliding around hers as they sat, on the edge of death, their legs swinging with nothing but the cold air and the moon-streaked ocean to cradle them if they were to fall.

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