Remaking this book

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Greeting to anyone who has found this old book. I came back around to tell anyone who still sticks around on this book, is that I will be remaking this book, for reasons I will list now:

1. With the way this book was intended to go 2 years ago(fetus me :3) it was going to end up TOO similar to the game Infamous: Second son. It wouldn't seem like it was inspired by it anymore, it would seem like I was copying, which I wasn't intending on doing

2. I never came up with a plot for this book(well I did but it was a very brief plot with absolutely no planned ending...) so eventually I did lose inspiration

So I've decided to remake this book, still keeping the title but making it with actual plot and will be inspired by the game. The characters might change slightly too.

So long my transfans ^_^

Btw this does not mean I will delete this book, this book will be staying up because but keep a look out for information changes. I will also be publishing updates on the remake

Also if you're a fan of transformers(I mean you have to be if your reading this book, though if some of you aren't then ok) I have another book called Battle scars so go check that out. That one was written when I was better at writing :3 bye bye!

 That one was written when I was better at writing :3 bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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