The Confrontation

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Hey, guys, I was thinking that if one of you could make a trailer for this? You could have a competition and comment on this chapter the link to the one you made and I'll pick out the one I like best with the help of my friend. It will go a week from the day the first link is posted. I'll put the link to the one I like in the notes in the next chapter or so, and it will be my official trailer.


       Three weeks after meeting each other, Louis and Harry have yet to see each other again.

       Louis has searched the whole city for him, but he can't find him at all. Zayn has stayed quiet about the angel ordeal like he promised and he's even helping Louis find Harry. They still have to do their own work, seducing woman and hunting angels that come into their territory, but they make sure they leave a little bit of time to search for Louis' lost angel.


       Harry, on the other hand, has tried his best to stay away from Louis. Niall has helped hide him and trained him how to use his wings properly. Every night, at the same time, Harry goes to the roof of the Sleeping Angel and he opens his wings wide, spreading them as far as they could go so he could admire them. He smiled as he looked at the blue feathers, loving the different shades of it. He looked ahead of him and jumped, letting his wings catch a gust of wing so he was carried. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the wind on his face. He opened his eyes slightly so he could see where he was going and made sure he wasn't above the clouds, or close enough to get grabbed by his superiors. The territory he was in now was protected and angels aren't aloud here, but if he goes too high, he will cross the boundaries.

       He looked down below him and saw the bar, the one place he knew Louis was at frequently and he made sure to stay clear of it. Harry turned around and flew back to his hotel, flying through the window that he told Niall to keep open. After he retracted his wings, he looked around the room for any sign of Niall, but he was nowhere in sight. He sighed and walked to the bed, flopping down on it and letting his head lay on the pillow. He turned over so he was on his side and closed his eyes, thinking about where Niall might be or what is going to happen to them if they get kicked out of here or found out by anyone.

       Harry was so close, so close, to falling asleep until another body jumped on top of his. He yelped and looked up at a certain blonde boy he had met. He glared up at him and pushed him off, causing Niall to fall to the floor on his back. "That wasn't very nice," he said, standing up from the ground and sitting on the bed. Harry just continued to glare at him, getting out of the bed and walking over to his dresser. "Fine, ignore me then." And Harry did just that. He walked out of the room after changing into black skinny jeans and a plain white v-neck shirt that hung loosely on his chest and went outside.

       He looked up at his room window and saw Niall looking down at him, pouting and looking all cute the way he knew Harry couldn't resist. Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, signaling for Niall to come on down. He waited there for a minute and looked at the double doors, watching out for his shorter friend. He smiled when Niall finally came out, dressed in blue skinny jeans and a tank top that showed off his muscles. Harry rolled his eyes at the sight of him and started to walk. "We're not going to the bar, Niall," Harry said, pointing at his outfit.

       Niall looked down at what he was wearing and shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I know, but the tank top helps when it comes to letting my wings out," he said, putting his hands in his pockets and quickly catching up to Harry. He looked at what Harry was wearing and shook his head. "If you wore tighter shirts, you might look a little bit better. Than we might be able to get you to go to the bar." Niall winked and Harry rolled his eyes.

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