11:00 PM

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That awkward moment when you had planned a chapter out so perfectly in your head you thought you had actually written them down and posted them. Then you realize you didn't a month later...

Yeah I thought I had already finished this chapter and the next whoops. I'll work on that...



11:00 PM

Hazel and Frank found their way to the front office in the darkness. Unfortunately everything was locked.

"Well it was worth a shot I guess," Frank sighed.

Hazel frowned. "I just don't get it. Who is doing this? Why? What sick person enjoys this! Two people are dead! And-" Hazel stopped mid ye'll as a few tears escaped her golden eyes.

Frank grabbed her in a hug. "I have no clue. I wish I knew. But it's alright. We'll be okay. Everyone. All we need to do is get someone to pick the lock on the door. So let's go talk to the others and come back."

Hazel nodded in his arms.


"This was a terrible idea," Jason stated.

"What? Splitting up?" Piper asked shinning her flashlight on him.

Jason nodded. "There's someone killing people so wouldn't it make more sense to stay together rather than continuously split up and people keep dying?"

Piper paused. "You think I'm the killer?"

"Not at all," Jason said quickly. "I know you Pipes. You couldn't. But I don't know what is going through everyone else's heads..."


Annabeth and Percy had opted for a short break and sat down against some lockers to talk.

When Annabeth finished a story Percy laughed. And his laugh made her smile. Since everything was currently was terrible right now, a laugh was a step in the right direction.

"I think our little brothers would get along," Percy smiled.

Annabeth shook her head. "Probably, but two of them is horrible I think a third would drive me to an asylum."

"Aw come on, kids are fun. Better than homework at least."

"That's debatable."

"Are you serious? I rather deal with 300 Tysons everyday than touch my math homework."

"300 Bobby and Mathews? Homework please."

"How can you possibly like it?"

"I need to work hard. I want to be an architect one day. My mom- my real mom is a big one. I want to be as good as her if not better. What do you want to do?"

"Uh... Stuff?"

"Wow. You certainly have a bright future. I can see it now. Percy Jackson graduate of Stuff University."

Percy rolled his eyes. "Shut up. I don't really know what I want to do. I'll figure it out."

"Maybe something with kids if you like them so much?"

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