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Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of its lovely characters. I am just playing in SM's universe.

Otherwise you all will die, and Caius is not knows for giving an easy death.

Today's dedication is for TheFlavorOfLife05! She is my real life best friend and i absolutely love her. She has this amazing story "Two minds one soul." Summary at the bottom!

Chapter 9: Emergency


After saying goodbye to Nessie I ran out from the Cullen house and shrugged out of my T- shirt and shorts as I reached the woods. In one quick motion I tied them to the cord on my ankle and phased in mid stride. Immediately voices filled my head.

Jake buddy you heard that? We are moving next week! I am so excited.

That was Seth.

I sighed mentally.

There is no need to be so excited Seth. Keep your mouth shut before I change my mind about taking you and your mad sister with me.

Leah snorted in the background but didn't say anything. Embry and Quil were in La Push, probably with their imprints. Embry had imprinted on a local girl named Lillian in the Makah reservation. Looks like our elders got one thing wrong. Imprinting surely was not rare. It was becoming as common as eating or sleeping.

Seth spoke up again despite my warning.

Buddy, are you not happy? I though you would be…having to stay with Nessie and all…

I growled at him. Of course I am happy! It's just I'll have to leave dad here all alone….

What are we then? Chopped liver?That was Embry. He had come to run patrol with me after all.

I snorted a laugh.

No, I don't mean that he won't be protected…..just that he is old and he needs help….I am feeling bad leaving him to fend for himself.

Jake, we will take care of him. And believe me Paul spends more time at you home than at his own dump. He will keep an eye on Billy.He said.

I laughed, amused. You really think so Embry?I couldn't help but think of the incident when I accidentally entered the house and had found Paul and Rachel very close. Much too close for a brother's eye. Embry, Seth and Leah winced.

There is no need for that.Leah said.

Embry laughed. That explains Paul's broken shoulder. It was so bad; they almost called doctor Fangs to treat it.

Finally we reached La push. I phased to human form and put on my clothes. I ran to my old, faded red house and stopped outside. I listened carefully for any sound inside. I didn't want the Paul- Rachel incident again. No one was inside except Billy who was roaming around on his creaky wheelchair.

I pushed open the door and called out "Dad?"

He wheeled out from the kitchen, "Yeah, Jake?"

I mustered up the courage to speak "Dad. I am leaving in two weeks. "

His face went blank with surprise. Then he said in a grave voice "With the Cullen's, you mean?"

I shook my head and told him about Carlisle's plan. The listened carefully. Then he sighed "Well I won't stop you son because I know what power an imprint holds on you. But be careful. And…visit me….whenever you feel like."

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