S.I.C. 1

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Day 37

The subject has been completley unresponsive sine 9:03 this morning. She hasn't consumed any food whatsoever since yester morning at 7:24, which could be a sign of devastation. I doubt she is scared, though, seeing as she hasn't shown any signs of fear at this point in time. She continues to stay totally still as I write. More will follow.

     Linda Sharp closed her big, gray, binder and gazed at Sherry, the girl behind the glass. Sherry had maroon hair that almost reached her elbows. It was rough and dry. She had long, bangs that swooped over to the side, and big glasses resting over her round, gray eyes. Her skin was pale, and her nose was long and slender. Her lips were small and delicate. She sat with her legs crossed in front of the window, the heavy lighting pounding down on her hair, and sliding down the uneven tips of it. Linda pushed a small black button and spoke into a microphone.

     "Sherry," she said, looking into her cold, dead eyes, "How are you feeling today?" Sherry did nothing. Linda sighed and tried again, "Are you hungry?" Sherry's eyes drifted to the side, but she still said nothing.

     "Is she moving yet?" said a man, coming in. His black hair fell over one of his green eyes. His skin was pale, and he was tall and dressed in black pants and a white, button up shirt. Linda pushed back her dark brown hair. it was up in a bun and very curly.

     "No," she said looking into her own brown eyes in the glass before her, "But she has t consume something or she'll die, making the entire observation usless." The man thought for a second.

     "Let me try," he insisted.

     "Benson..." Linda began.

     "No, it'll be fine," Benson said. Linda sighed and let him sit in the chair. He pushed down on the button.

     "Goooood morning, Sherry!" he said in a cheerful tone. Sherry looked up at the speaker, "Ya hungry at all?" Sherry said nothing but nodded as Benson went on, "Weeell, lucky for YOU, we got some yummy nummy food right here for ya!" Sherry fell on the ground and looked out the glass. Linda sighed and picked up a tray with a bowl of something and a plastic cup of water on it and went down a short hallway. She ended up at a black door, and open it, shutting it quickly behind her when she got in.

     "Here is breakfast, Sherry," Linda said in a mellow tone. A small smile cracked on Sherry's face as she picked up the bowl and put the spoon in her mouth, eating slowly. Linda quickly left and continuesd observing Sherry eat through the glass.

     When the bowl was empty, Sherry put the bowl down, through her head back, hitting it against the wall, and screamed with laughter. Benson cringed and took a step back, hugging himself a bit. Linda didn't flinch. Sherry screamed louder, laughing louder then Benson thought humanly possible. She kicked around till she fell on her side and her laughter simmered down. Linda shut her binder.

     "I think we have enough for today." Before leaving, she shut off the light, leaving Sherry in the dark. And in complete darkness, Sherry giggled.

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