How did you when did you

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Lailai Pov
We just got back to my aunts house from the hospital with santo and we Prince sitting on the couch

Prince:well well well it's about time

Ray:what hell are you doing here?!?!?!

Prince:waiting to get that whore over there*pointing to YN*

YN:what do you have against me???

Prince:you shot and killed my brother Daniel

YN:you mean Diggy I never killed him he asked me to shoot him so he could fake his death so he could get away from your crazy family



Prince:*points gun at YN* Your coming with me

Mary comes downstairs and sees the commotion

Mary:what fudge is going on here?!?!?!?!

Prince:who the hell are you?!?!?

Mary:I'm Lailai's aunt who are you?!?!

Prince:don't worry bout it

Mary:I'm calling the police*grabs phone and dials 911*

Prince:go ahead I'll be gone before they get here

Lailai:where were you Mary??

Mary:I was taking a nap til i heard you guys in here

Prince grabs YN and tries to escape to his jeep but before you know santo pulled out his gun and shot Prince in his back a few times and in a matter of time the police arrived and an ambulance and a news crew

YN:thank you so much santo

Ray:damn they got here fast

Police#1:what happened here today?

Tasha:well officer the man laying on the ground is Jacob Perez he kidnapped us and we escaped and he tried to kill us  and we came here to get away from him and he found us and shot my friend in the leg and tried to kidnap my friend again over there and my friend shot him from getting away

Police#2:*comes over*wait you mean the Jacob Perez we caught his father some years ago and Jacob has been wanted for multiple counts of drugs,rape,domestic violence,illegal possession of a fire arm,and murder

Yasmine:good lord Jesus

Police#1:yep he's going away for a very long time

Ambulance takes Jacob to the hospital and News crew interview us

News lady:excuse me if you don't mind could we interview you


News lady:what are your names

Samantha:I'm Samantha and these are my friends Lailai,Santo,Ray,Yasmine,King,Tasha,prodigy,YN,and Lailai's aunt Mary

News lady: ok so what happened here today????

Santo:the guy that was just taken to the hospital was Jacob Perez he kidnapped the girls and tried to kill us

News lady:so are you guys going to testify in court???


News lady:do you think everything is over

Tasha:no he's bound to get out of jail somehow

News lady: umm Mrs Mary what did you see when you walked downstairs??

Mary:I saw Jacob downstairs with a gun in his hand pointing it at YN and the others and then he tried to escape before all you guys came and santo over here shot him before he could get away

my stupid bully(princeton story\mindless behavior)Where stories live. Discover now