Old meets New

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I made my walk back to my locker. The senior lockers were located in the main hallway on the third floor. At the end hallway, the snow-tipped mountains and a sparkling blue lake stared back at you. The sun shone through the huge gothic windows. It's views like these that just made you grateful about life and beauty in general. Our school resided in Montreux, a Swiss-french city close to Geneva.

Just as I reached my locker, the bell rang. My mind remained muddled after the conversation with Lucas. I absentmindedly reached for my books for the next periods and shut my locker. I jumped and shrieked when I realised was Emily standing next to me. Her glacier blue eyes drilled into me, burning a whole in the back of my skull. If looks could kill, I would already be dead.

"Emily, you scared me," My eyes widened. She looked at me, waiting for my explanation. What I loved and hated about her was her no bullshit attitude. She sniffed the air and actually leaned in and sniffed me. I guess we were into sniffing now.

"You smell like him," was her first comment.

"Do you go around smelling people like that? Em, should I be worried?"

"You should only be worried with what I will do if you don't tell me what happened."

"How was the rest of class?" I asked sweetly.

Being coy had never been my strong suit. Emily rolled her eyes at my attempt at diversion and walked away in the direction of our study hall. I could hear her murmuring curses under her breath. Somehow, I didn't wan't to know the particular words.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Em, come on!" I tried to match her pace but I was 5'6 while Emily stood 6 foot tall. I ran towards her and crushed her into my arms.

"If I knew you wanted some Parker affection, I would have done this earlier." My hands wrapped around her waist and squeezed her really tight. I felt more than heard her laughter from shaking stomach. She uncomfortably patted me back and peered down at me as if I have lost some brain cells since I saw her last and I might have.

"Something is loose in your brain, you shady freak! Get off me!" Her half assed attempt to pull away was encouragement enough. My arms tighten around her, hugging her with all my strength. Emily was big on hugs. Not.

"It's okay, I know have missed all this loving! And I am not shady," I mumbled into her.

My eyes opened to the near silent hallway. People probably found it strange that I was hugging Emily. She wasn't one for big public displays of affection. A few months ago, I would have cared what they thought. But what I had learned from being away was to cherish life. If I wanted to hug the living days out of someone I would do just that! From the pervy looks the guys were throwing, they thought we were lesbians. I rolled my eyes in their direction. Not going to happen. But if I went lesbian for anyone, Emily would definitely be it.

My eyes moved from the staring guys right to the sneer of Madeline, a girl hated me vehemently. St. Andrews didn't have strong cliques like most schools. But if we would have, she would have been gunning for the crown. She was smart, intelligently so, uncharacteristically pretty with her long auburn and 'popular'. She was also Lucas's twin sister. This made for a few awkward situations. She made it her goal to make me uncomfortable at any possible moment. She was also the only few who knew that her brother and I had a 'thing' for two years until recently. I was always surprised she didn't broadcast it but that was no longer really my concern.

I turned back to Emily when she started speaking. "Shady is your second name, now tell me what happened!" We moved away from the crowd making it over the library. I gave the guys a tiny wave and wink. They probably thought we were going to have crazy monkey sex. I let them keep their fantasies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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