Character and term list

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Main Characters:

Dr. Herman Gareth Wells: 36 years old. One of the two scientists heading the Leviathan Project. Descendent of H.G. Wells. Holds to the same beliefs of his ancestor. Wants to improve the human race outwardly, but inwardly wants to decimate it. Main Antagonist

Dr. Gerald Wade: 34 years old. The other scientist heading the Leviathan Project. Genuinely wants to help humanity

Commandant Alfredo Garcia: 45 years old. Head of the military division of the Knights Templar. Devoutly religious. Despises Dr. Wells and Dr. Wade

Paladin David O' Malley: 21 years old. Youngest to ever achieve the rank of Paladin in the Templar. Devoutly religious. Idealistic because of his youth.

Orion: Culmination of the Leviathan Project. The Artificial Intelligence that is born from the work of Dr. Wade and Dr. Wells.

Apollo: Leviathan 2.0. Wells version of Orion. Bounded AI. His ultimate goal no matter what will be to destroy humanity

Juan Pescado: Head of the Templar Council


The Leviathan Project: A group Of scientists attempting to create an artificial intelligence for the advancement of humanity. They are publically backed by the United Nations.

The Reapers: A faction of scientists that foundationally believe in Eugenics. They are utterly ruthless in their goal of improving the human race and will use any means necessary, no matter how many lives that costs.

The Knights Templar: The only religious group left on Earth. They signify what is left of Christianity. They are a combination of all the foundational denominations, united under one banner. Because they are rejected by the rest of humanity, their actions are those of a cornered animal. They are at war with the Reapers and seek to destroy the Leviathan Project.

The United nations: the Earth's Central government

Key Places:

Orion Station: Space Station deep within the Orion Nebula on which the Leviathan project works

USS Constantine: Flagship of the Templar Fleet

Pyramids of Giza: Secret base of the Reapers

Fort Luther: Secret Base that houses the entirety of the knights templar.

USS Madison Grant: Science ship of the reaper fleet

USS John Maynard Keynes: The flagship of the reaper fleet

Key Terms:

Em Drive: The engine used on all modern spacecraft

Manticore: The Core of the Em drive

Wormhole AG4716: Recently Discovered wormhole connecting Earth to the Orion Nebula

Space Travel: Crafts travel through space by EM Drive and wormholes.

Prometheus: Experimental EMP being developed by the Reapers

Leviathan Project: AI placed in artificial body. Stronger, more intelligent, and more agile than any human

Hyperion Missile: Thermonuclear Missile with a 264 megaton yield. Most powerful weapon to date. Developed by Templar Scientists

Krios Blaster: Laser turrets that serve as the primary weapon on spaceships

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