august 21st

15 1 0

9:18 AM

It's my first day on the job, and I need a cigarette so badly, my hands are shaking as I try to open my office door.
I grimace at the sweat that I've surely left slicked on the door, but spare no more thoughts for it. All my attention has to go to making sure I don't fall down a million times on the way outside.
Luckily, I make it alright and sigh in relief as I get outside into the cool London air. It's cold enough to require a jacket, but I won't be here long so it's not too big of a deal.
I dig in my pockets for my Lucky Strike cigarettes and take one out. I attempt to light it, but the wind is too fierce, so I have to cup my hands around it and turn away to finally get it to light.
I take a deep, relieved drag as I put my cigarette pack and lighter back in my pocket. The nicotine makes my head spin a little bit, but it's wonderful.
Now that nerves are calmed a little bit, I glance around the block. There's a little fish and chips place across the road, and a Starbucks as well, which is pretty good, considering I'll probably be working long hours now.
A few feet away from where I'm standing half way in an alley, leaning against a wall, is a man who's also smoking. I can't make out all of his features from here - only that he has soft looking brown hair that's starting to curl from the rain. It's sort of cute.
I shake my head when I realize what I'm thinking.
Stop it, Phil, you don't have time to check out cute boys, a little voice inside my head chides me. I nod to myself - the voice is right.
Still, as I finish my cigarette and head back inside, I can't resist one last look at the man with such soft looking hair.

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