An Ordanary Life

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Steve was an ordinary man. He lived an ordinary life. His house was by a river and a forest, which was a great place for a house. He had a garden, where he got his vegetables, the forest where he got his wood and food supply, and a loyal pet dog named Jackson, but Steve called him Jack for short. Steve also liked to fish. It was something calm and relaxing to do. He loved the outdoors, it was nice and beautiful. He sat on his roof sometimes and watched the sunset. But, once it was nighttime, Steve usually went inside. Even though he respawned every time he died, he still didn't like to take the chance of death. But one day, that changed.

"Good morning Jack!" Steve said to his dog. He got up and walked to the kitchen, pulling out some milk and bread from the chest. Then he walked over to the chest on the other side of his house and got out a bone. Jack suddenly got up and tilted his head. "You want that?" Steve said teasing his dog. "Go get it!" He said throwing the bone to the table. Jack ran over and grabbed it in his mouth. Steve walked over to the table and sat down while petting Jack. "Good boy" he said softly, then turned his attention to his food. He ate it then looked to the window. "Well I better go so I don't waste daylight!" Steve said getting up. Jack got up too and followed Steve to the door. He held the door open and Jack walked out first, then Steve shut the door and they were off.

"What a beautiful day!" Steve said looking up at the sky. Jack responded with a bark and ran up ahead then stopped at a grassy hill covered in flowers. Steve caught up and also stopped and looked down at his map. "We haven't been here before Jack" Steve stated looking down at him. "We better be careful. Jack looked up to Steve and then walked over to a big fire. "Whoa! How did this happen?" Steve said alarmed. He walked up to it and saw a pool of lava. "Oh, the grass must have caught on fire" Steve said looking into the pit. Then he pulled out his map and marked the lava pit so he could come back and get some lava, if he ever needed to for some reason.

"Ok let's go" Steve said looking at Jack. Jack got up and walked in the direction to the house, Steve following behind him. It seemed to take longer to get home then it did to go away, but they finally arrived. Steve opened the door and Jack went in. "Stay here, I need to do something" Steve said pointing to the living room. Then he shut the door and walked to his garden. His carrots and wheat were all fully grown already, but not his potatoes. They hadn't been growing right for some reason, but Steve just couldn't figure out why. He pondered for a bit then just shook it off and harvested the other crops. He looked up at the sky, which was now a dark grey instead of a light blue. The sun had hid behind a few clouds and Steve felt a small drop on his forehead. He touched it and looked at his hand. "It's going to rain soon" he said to himself. Soon after he felt another drop on his head, the his shoulder, then his arm. The drops became more and more frequent, until finally drops everywhere fell down to the ground from the sky. Steve rushed inside and closed the door behind him. He looked to his dog who was staring outside the window. He noticed it was raining. He loved the rain. "You want to go outside?" Steve asked Jack. Jack jumped up and ran in circles around Steve. "I'll take that as a yes" Steve said chuckling. He opened the door and saw Jack run outside. He walked out too and ran around with Jack. They were both best friends.

Steve and Jack both played around in the rain with delight. Then, there was a bright flash and a loud bang that followed. Steve, who was lying on the ground with Jack on top of him, sat up and looked over to where the loud noise had emerged. Next to them was a large tree, completely engulfed in flames and smoke. Jack jumped off Steve and dashed to the door. Although Jack loved rain, he hated the lightning. Steve too got up and ran to the door. He got in and shut it behind him, then stood there for awhile to let himself dry. Finally, he was dry and walked over to his couch. He sat on it and relaxed. He had quite a good day, so did Jack. With that thought he looked down to Jack who was still dripping wet. Jack walked closer and then got into a position Steve knew too well. Jack was about to shake off the water. "Noooo!" Steve yelled playfully and covered his face with his hands. But, it was too late. Jack shook off the water onto Steve. "You got me!" He yelled again in a playful matter. Then he relaxed again, with Jack lying next to him. "Good boy" Steve said patting him on the head. "Now let's eat, I'm starving!" Steve said and jumped up. Jack didn't seem to care. Dogs generally didn't get as hungry as humans. It was just nature. But Steve was hungry. All that running and jumping really got his hunger down. So, he went to his fridge and got out some raw mutton. Steve really enjoyed mutton. It was a delicious meal to eat. He put the raw mutton into the furnace, and then set the fire with some coal he had mined in a cave. While the mutton was cooking, Steve thought. His life was pretty boring, he really didn't do much. Sure he had fun, and did some work now and then, but there really wasn't much to do in the world. He looked out to the window. As far as he knew, he was the only person there was in this world. Then there was another bright flash. This was right outside the window he was looking at. He saw the lightning hit the ground in front of him and burn the grass. But, something was weird about that bolt. Something he had never seen was...inside of it. He was sure he saw it. It looked like a figure, a figure just like him. Steve stepped back. It must have just been my imagination. I'm just so lonely Steve thought. Although, it seemed so real.....

Steve got his mutton out of the furnace. The light fire had cooked it to perfection and it tasted delicious! He sat at the table and ate it, enjoying every bite. He finished and got back up. He looked outside to where he saw the lighting and the strange.....whatever it was. He had only saw it for a glimpse, but he knew he saw something. Anyway, it had stopped raining, sending away the lightning and thunder too. But, now it was dark, too dark to go outside. It was too dangerous.

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