Desire For Adventure

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"Let's go to bed Jack" Steve said walking to the bedroom door. Jack jumped up and followed Steve. He opened the door and let Jack walk in, then closed the door behind him. He turned and saw Jack sleepily lying on his bed. "No, that's my bed Jack, yours is over there" Steve said pointing to Jack's dog bed on the other side of the room. Jack slowly got up and off the bed, going to his own and giving Steve a sorrowful glare. Steve sat on his bed, then soon lied down and closed his eyes. He felt tired, but he just couldn't go to sleep. He kept thinking about the lightning bolt, that weird figure inside of it. He wondered what it was, and he had already came to the conclusion that it wasn't his imagination. But still, it was something. Then, he thought about his life again. It wasn't unusual for him to think about his life like that, it was just something he had always done. He always wondered what it would be like to see another human, to talk to someone who could talk back. He also always reminded himself about how boring his life was. Although, he never really did anything about it. He would always tell himself "it's too dangerous" or "why take the risk". But now, he didn't tell himself those things. He told himself "why not take the risk". Actually, it didn't even feel like himself. It felt like a completely different person whispering to him, filling his head with wonder and curiosity and excitement.

I need to do something Steve thought to himself. My life is too boring. He had never felt this spark of creativity in himself before, never felt this energy inside. He jumped up out of his bed and walked straight out of the bedroom. Jack looked up at Steve. He was confused because he had never seen Steve act like this. Jack walked out of the room and saw Steve by the bookshelf rapidly pulling different books off the shelf and letting them fall to the ground. Jack was scared. Why was Steve doing this? He started whining to show his worry but Steve didn't seem to notice. Jack started to get angry and barked at Steve to get his attention, but yet Steve still pulled books out one by one, reading the titles then dropping them. Jack stood up and barked more at Steve, and finally Steve turned around. Only, for a split second, Jack saw something strange. Steve had glowing white eyes and a creepy smile across his face. Jack shook his head and looked again and saw Steve back to normal. But, he was holding a book. The cover didn't have a picture on it, just some white symbols on it and the book itself was a dark red color. "I found it" Steve said, but his voice sounded different, more dark and sinister.

Jack tilted his head to the side to ask what, but Steve walked past Jack and back into the bedroom. Jack followed and went back to his dog bed. He lied down and started to sleep, but Steve sat on his bed staring at the book. Something in the back of his head said "don't open it, it's dangerous" but the voice that seemed to take over kept saying "do it, do it". Steve was confused, what should he do? He decided to just go to sleep and make up his mind in the morning. Setting the book down on his stand by his bed, he lied down on his soft bed. His sight slowly faded and soon he was asleep, dreaming about a strange lightning storm.

Steve woke up to Jack licking his face. "Good morning Jack!" Steve said cheerfully. He was in a great mood but still a thousand thoughts ran through his mind. Mostly about the book. He barely remembered getting up and grabbing it off the shelf. It was like he was sleep walking he still remembered getting it, he just didn't really remember getting up. It all felt more like a dream. Yeah, that's a better way to describe it. A dream. But still, it wasn't a dream because the book was there on the stand by his bed. Steve walked out of his room and saw the mess of books on the ground. "Oh yeah" Steve said to himself. He just realized how much of a mess he made. He walked over to the bookshelf and picked up the books and put them back in their places. Once everything was sorted out, Steve went to the kitchen.

He opened the chest and grabbed an apple and some bread. "This should be enough" Steve said. He wasn't too hungry but he knew breakfast was the most important part of the day. He sat at the table and silently ate for a little bit, then finished. He was nice and full and ready to go out. Today he needed to mine some coal. He didn't need to go into a cave to mine it since he had saw a mountain with some coal in the side of it. He only needed a little anyway. He grabbed his pickax, his sword, some food, and his map, then walked to the door. Jack followed but Steve turned around and told him to stay. "I'm just going to mine some coal, I'll be back real soon" he said. Jack sat down and stayed still, showing he was going to be waiting for Steve to come back. Steve smiled at his dog's obedience and went outside.

Steve walked past his his garden but turned around. Maybe my potatoes are done Steve thought as he walked into the greenhouse. He was right, the potatoes-along with the other crops-were done. Steve walked down each row and harvested the crops. He replanted them and took the remaining inside. When Steve walked in Jack jumped up and circled him. "I'm not done, I'm just bringing in the crops" Steve said showing Jack the carrots, potatoes, and wheat. Jack looked down and started whining. Steve tried to ignore him but he sounded so sad! "Ok, ok. I'll stay" Steve said. Jack suddenly turned from sad to happy and jumped around the house happily. Steve chuckled and walked into his room. He sat on his bed to relax, but then saw the red book lying on the stand. "I guess I could read that now" Steve said ignoring the cry from the back of his head that shouted "No! Don't do it!". He picked up the book and sat back. He rubbed the soft leather on the side and looked at the cover. He read the white symbols over and over, wondering what they meant. Finally, he lifted the hard cover and opened the book. When he did, he felt something. Something unexplainable. It was like a side of him took control. A side that thrived adventure and danger. He flipped through the pages and saw one that caught his eye. It was a page with a picture of some sort of portal on it.

The words beside it said 'The Neather portal is the only way to get to the Nether' Steve looked at the portal with great excitement. He wondered what the Neather was. He continued to read and found that to make the portal you need obsidian, a stone made when water touches lava. The problem was, you need a diamond pick axe to mine it. Diamonds were something Steve didn't own. He had trouble finding them, mostly because he didn't mine in large caves. The small caves he did mine in were only filled with coal, iron, and occasionally some red stone. That was all he really needed. But now, he sat confused. He needed a plan. Finding diamonds was too hard and took too much time and patience, something he was running short of. But, Steve was willing to do almost anything to get to this mysterious place called "the Neather".

Steve began preparing for his trip. He gathered food, tools, wood, a map, a spare bed, and anything else he needed. He started out the door when he felt Jacks soft fur against his legs. "No, Jack, stay here. I don't want you getting hurt". Jack started whining and Steve sighed. "Fine, I guess you can come. Just be careful". Jack barked cheerfully and they both headed out of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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