A Couple Of Dorks

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He was so goofy. His personality was so perfect. He seemed as if he was the only one for you, and that each and every moment that you spent with him was an eternity. The thing that really got you about him was the way he would smile at you, the way he would laugh at your jokes, and more importantly the way he would look into your eyes as if it was you and only you who was fit for him. 

It seemed as if it was yesterday that you decided you wanted to be an exchange student. Your mind being open to discovering different cultures, and your heart nagging you to be a vagabond. You wanted a change of scenery, and you wanted some new experiences in your life. 

You had never expected to find yourself falling for anyone, so how did it happen?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++First Day of High School In Ireland +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

You sat at the mirror for what felt like forever, trying to decide how to dress for this new school. It seemed as if no matter what you chose, you would never be prepared to walk through those doors. Things aren't always like you dreamed, you knew that was a part of your desire becoming your reality. Truly, you were terrified of being treated differently from the other kids. What else did you expect? What did you think going to a foreign country would be like? Didn't you take the time to think of the stereotypes. 

You huffed and leaned over the sink, splashing water on your face and slapping at your cheeks as you attempted to pull yourself together. Education was all that mattered to you at the moment. You must focus on your studies rather than what people think of how you dress. You gingerly pulled your locks into a messy bun atop your head, deciding to dodge a bullet and avoid styling it any certain way. You jumped a bit as you turned to see your mother standing at your doorway. She made this all possible by moving here with you, but she sadly divorced your father in the midst of it all. You couldn't help but feel responsible for it all, but thankful to her nonetheless. 

"M-Mom!" You exclaimed with a chuckle as you scrambled out of the small bathroom and into the room that you shared. "Um what's up?" You asked with an awkward shrug.

She gave a reassuring smile as she scanned over you, noting that you were having a difficulty getting ready. She then raised a hand to show you a drab uniform that hung neatly on a black hanger. "Well darling, I thought you would remember that you have to wear a school uniform, but obviously your head is in other places." She said as she set the uniform on the trundle bed. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours, darling?" She asked with concern.

You decided against telling her about your second thoughts, purely because you recognized all of the trouble that she went to to make this possible. "Oh nothing much! I am just thinking about all of the cool courses I'll get to take!" You cheered, sounding as genuine as possible.

She gave a small nod, even though she knew better. She could tell this was as hard on you as it was on her. "Dear, you know you can talk to me about anything." She said as she furrowed her brows. She looked to you, scanning over how much you have changed over the times. You were much different than when you were younger, and that scared her very much. She knew she just wanted to help, but in your busy world there was no time for "help."

"Mom. I have already told you that everything is okay." You sighed, grabbing the uniform and walking back into the uniform. You began to get undressed, locking the door and letting your clothing fall from your skin in a tender manner.

"Of course honey..." Your mother cooed sadly, getting up from the couch and walking to the door. She let out a final sigh, before you heard her footsteps fade into the distance.

You scoffed as you straightened out the navy cardigan. It clashed with the long, plaid skirt that clung to your form in a distasteful fashion. School uniforms were like a fashion crime, a force mixed up way to take individuality and rip it to shreds. Although you disliked it, you had to admit that it was kind of secure knowing that people would be wearing the exact same thing as you. 

High School Memories~ (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now