The Only Flaw, You Are Flawless

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Something irked within you as you shuffled with that black cap atop your head. It felt like history was repeating itself, and you would be a bird again flying from a nest of familiar companions into a bigger nest full of strangers. You looked down as the crowd provided cheers, and the caps that once sat atop the wave of college students flew into the air. You felt as if a piece of you had flown away too with that crummy little cap, you felt so empty. You had achieved your life goal, and yet you felt as if there was a piece missing. 

"There is something missing (Y/N)." You whispered to yourself, still afraid to look back to the people you knew you would lose. 

You jumped as a hand took form on your shoulder, grasping onto you in an un-tender manner. 

You turned to see your mother, the one who had once seemed so supportive and full of life had changed so much. You could smell a strong toxic scent approaching from her mouth as she stumbled around in the place she stood. What hurt the most, was seeing how dull her eyes had gotten after this all had started. You grew up and left her in Ireland, and slowly it seemed as if she lost the will to live.

"(Y/N) god damn it, if you are finally done with college you better be getting a good career. I didn't put my life on hold just so you could work at some crummy super market, you know?" She scoffed, leaning into your shoulder as she threatened to fall. 

You held onto your mother, rubbing her back and looking at her with pitiful orbs, glazed over by tears that threatened to fall but never would. "Mom, I really wanted to talk to you, about my choice in career." You cooed, hoping there was a glimpse of your supportive mother in there somewhere. 

"Eh, let it rip! You can't be any worse than that dirt bag father of yours!" She exclaimed before busting into a fit of breathy laughter.

You winced slightly as she let those shrill squeaks from her lungs, but managed to paste a smile over your flustered expression. "A-Actually mom, you know YouTube, right?" You asked, leaning into the subject in a gentle manner.

"Damn straight. It's that hip site all the kids are using nowadays instead of the old television." She added, disgust laced in her tone.

"Um well, you see mom, Sean has become rather popular on that site for his game plays, and I was thinking maybe I could try that out and see if the boat floats?" You called with optimism, leaning into your mother. 

"You have to be shitting me..." She growled, pulling herself away from you and starting to march towards her car.

"M-Mom? Is there something wrong?" You desperately chased after her, grasping her shoulder in a brief manner.

She turned around, tears stinging her eyes as she slapped your hand from her form. She looked utterly disappointed. It had been a while since you had seen any sort of emotion on her face, but you never wished to see her look at you this way. The same way she looked at your dad when she fought to let you go to school in Ireland. 

"YOU ARE NO DAUGHTER OF MINE!" She snapped, before breaking down and stepping into her car. "Y-You are no daughter of mine.... Y-Your his!" She yelled, starting up her car and peering at you from behind the glass, acting as if she couldn't look at you directly. "We put everything aside for you... A-And all you want to do is be paid for playing video games in a room... You can't be successful with wishes that are so ridiculous." You wished to respond, but the woman who raised you suddenly rolled up the window, and drove out of your life. 

You sighed as you watched the car drive further and further into the distance, leaving you in utter shock and pain. "Damn mom..." You chuckled out sadly as you brought your cold knuckles to aide the liquid that was seeping from your orbs. "You never were in it to support me were you?" You whispered into the air, watching as the smoke from your breath retreated into the cold atmosphere tenderly, to never be heard again. You knew that you shouldn't let this ruin your hopes and dreams, but when your own mother gives up on you what else do you have to look forward to?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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