Chapter 01

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That's Sophia up there.... I thought Babara will suit great. She's beautiful. What do you guys think?  If there are any suggestions, please comment below!!


It's been one year now. Practically he did all what he said, and wanted. I was just a nobody to him. I didn't matter a single bit to him. He never looked back after what he did, I used to, but he never did. Everything he said, all the things he did for me, everything  was all just some big lie and a joke. A sick joke.

I was the laughing stock of everyone. I remember him saying all sorts of lies about me during interviews after I left. He was given sympathy by everyone.

I agree with myself and I'm brave enough to say I  was so stupid. I fell for him. Just like that. I said yes when he proposed. I did this to me. Now, I don't even know anything about love. That four word letter just turned out to be a joke to me. I don't have any friends. Well, I couldn't have is the right way to say it because of him. He got exactly what he wanted.

I'm now in Teneseese living with my grand dad. Tennessee is a small town. In order to move around I had to make a few changes. In me.

The short blonde hair I used to have was now long and brown and wavy up to my waist. I could have applied to be a Victoria secret model but no. I hear those type of occupations give some people bad names. My body was perfect enough to get wolf whistles anywhere I went.

I've now changed.  I'm not the stupid, weak girl who I once used to be. At least, that's what I think. I'm not going to make those silly mistakes I once did.

"How may I help you dear?"

"Are there any job vacancies ma'am?" I just stepped foot into a small coffee shop as I needed a job. These are the only places that will not do any sort of background checks, from what I've heard.

"Hm....let me see, would you mind giving me a moment dear?" The old lady smiled and I liked her right away. Her smile reminded me of my own mother, how I miss her. Staying in the asylum didn't help her at all. Four years after dad died, she too had to say goodbye.

"You are in luck today young lady, there is a vacancy available, would you like to start today itself?"

"Yeah absolutely!"

"Ethan! Where is this boy," she turned around and before she called out his name again, a dude around probably my age came.

"Ethan this is, oh I forgot. How silly of me," She chuckled, "what's your name dear?"

"Blair," I had to change my name. I wanted to. I wanted a new life and a new me.

"Right, Ethan, Blair is taking in Sean's place. Please show her around,"

"Hey, I'm Ethan,"

"Yeah, so I've just heard," chuckling at that we shook hands.

"Nice to have you here Blair, trust me, you'll love it here," I really do hope so too, " hey guys! C'mon and meet our new friend Blair!" He waved at some people who were laughing about something in the corner.

"So this is Cara," he pointed at a straight blonde haired girl with green eyes. She gave me a crooked smile. Not the friendly type I guess, "and then there's Mandy, my girlfriend," he slightly blushed. I looked over at Mandy, another hot chick I must say, she has dark black hair, which reminded me of the night sky, she too had brown eyes. Ethan and Mandy, they look alike too, they would be perfect for each other. "And that is Lara and Alex, the twins" I've never in my life met twins, I know that they look alike and some don't,  but this is just weird. The weird part is that they were a boy and girl. If Lara cut her hair, you wouldn't be able to tell which one is which. Both had emerald eyes and black hair with neon blue highlights. Really preppy, "you'll get to meet Sean someday, till then, we hope you enjoy your stay!"

"She's not going to live here you moron," Cara rolled her eyes.

"I know that, I just really wanted to say it cuz it rhymed!" He smiled brightly, "Mandy, babe, tell them it rhymed!" He whined like a small kid.

"It did rhyme sugar puff!" She shook her head smiling and kissed him.

"I swear I've seen you somewhere, like," we all look at Cara, "are you popular?"

No. No. No you haven't.  Oh god please don't tell me you have!

"A-are you sure?"

"Cara, stop scaring her, it's her first day,"

Shrugging her shoulders she went away. Whew! For a second I thought everything was going to unfold.

"Ignore her. Cara's not so friendly, the last time a guy came and tried to flirt with her, the poor fellow got hit in the balls,"  whoa. I couldn't help it, i had to laugh at that.

"She's scary," I admit, and everyone started laughing.

"Honey, you'll get used to it, trust me," Mandy winked.

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