Girls Adventure TIME!!!And running into danger...

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Y/n Prov.

I walk out of the room with mable trotting after me.We both walk upstairs to grab our backpacks with the stuff we need and the extras for Candy Grenda and Wendy(btw mable called her and she said yes).We go downstairs and into the giftshop to meet Wendy.

>>>>>>>>>Time skip brought to you by Dipper and Mable meeting Toriel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           (After fining out that on second thought Grenda and candy couldnt come )

Walks into kitchen only to see the boys talking.I send a signal to the girls to all to say what ever I say at the same time.1.....2.....3!(translation= "BOYS WE'RE ALL GOING INTO THE FOREST NOW WE'RE GONNA GO BEFORE YOU REGESTER THE SENTENCE HERES THE CAR KEYS OK BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE ")"BOYSWE'REALLGOINGINTOTHEFORESTNOWWE'REGONNAGOBEFOREYOUREGESTERTHESENTENCEHERESTHECARKEYSOKBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*I throw the keys at them then we all run out of the shack then burst out laughing whee the boys can hear....."Ok that was HALARIOUSE!"I say while wiping a tear from my eye."I know!And did you see the lii on there faces when we burst out yelling what we did!!!"Mable yelled."Fffft-Yeah!"Wendy says while laughing.

Ford prov.

"What did they say?"Stanley askes me and Dipper."No clue"Dipper responded."I think they said something about going into the forest or something like that"I say looking out the windo only to see N/N, Mabel, and Wendy I think her name was heading into the forest.

>>>>>>>>>>>Sorry too lazy to make the whole forest adventure its past 11:45 pm and Im tired>>>>>>

Your prov.

The girls and i were In the middle of being cornered by a huge black Dire Wolf thing.I spead my wings open to protect the girls.I let out a lout roar making the monster clode its eyes and I signal the girls to run.They run past the monster as it opens its eyes and notices as it was about to turn and chase them I lunge at it and claw its right eye.I let out a vicouse growl as it lunges at me but I douge just by a feather.I hope the girls are safe....

>>>>>>>>>>Time skip to the Mystery Shack with Wendy and Mabel>>>>>>>>>>>

Mabel prov.

We burst into the kitchen scaring the boys "Y/N IS STILL IN THE FOREST AND SHE NEEDS HELP SHES FIGHTING SOME WOLF MONSTER AND IM NOT SURE HOW LONG SHE CAN KEEP FIGHTING!!"I yell only for Ford to jump up and run to me "THEN LETS GET A MOVE ON AND HELP!"He Yells worried and his voice cracking.I nod and we all run back into the forest

>>>>>>>>Time skip back to the fight cuz I can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Y/N prov.

The monster got the upper hand on me and pinned me to the ground.But lucky that Im smart I kick it off me with my hind legs makeing it fly off me and land on the ground as I stand up.Wile I wasnt paying attention on were the monter was it run up to me and flashed my cheeck making me yell in pain.Thats when something unexplainable happend....

Ford prov.

I tackled the monster that Y/N was fighting and slashed its throat and it ran off.I turn around only to see a brused and cut Y/N...I walk over to her on all fours"A-are you ok"I say worried as HELL."Y-yeah..I think so"She says trying to stand up on all fours but fails.As she falls back to the ground she grunts in pain."Ok...No your not ok..."I say as I watch her stand up on all fours once more and she starts walking towards the direction the shack was. I run over to her as she was about to stumble again I cought her her with my wing."Thanks..."she says quietly oviously in pain."No problem..."


Total Words in chapter: 606

Hey everyone long time no see sorry for not updating for so long I've been buisey with alot of stuff but heres the chapter you all been waiting for and thank you for being patient with me on this....I hope you all enjoyed it and I'll see you all later luv you all and bye bye!

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