the crush

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Ann was in her room and was thinking to herself,"man Tyler was so cute today....oh no I think I have a crush,but..he's my best friends I can't have a crush on him oh gosh I can't hold it back I do have a crush on him I just need to tell him but what if his reaction is scared or mad?! We could end up getting a huge fight and never talk oh gosh what do I do what do I do?!!? You know what I'll just go up to him and tell him I mean what's life worth living if you dont take risks? OK its settled then I'll tell him tommorow. *tommorow* I was walking to class when I hear my name,"ann, wait up!" "Oh god there he is! OK just keep calm and you will be fine just tell him" I thought "hey tyler,there is something I have to tell you." I said with a clam voice "what us it Ann you can tell me anything." He said "I-i kind of like you,more than a friend" I said with a nervous voice "oh thank god I have a crush on you I just didn't know what you would do you want to go out" on the outside I seemed calm but on the inside I was squealing "sure" since then we were a couple of a few years to until some bad news came up

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