The Nick and Judy Shuffles.

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A/N: Please know that the shuffle idea is not my own. This challenge has been done by countless of writers, I just felt inspired enough to write my own.

#1: Let me take a selfie by The ChainSmokerz.

He always does it; In his apartment. On the streets. In the park. In others people's apartments. Even while he was in the bathroom.

No place is safe when Nick Wilde has his phone out while taking selfies. Yup. Nick Wilde loves taking selfies.

Does it show his being vain? Yes. Quite obviously so.

Does it make him look like an ass when he pulls a pair of duck lips? Absolutely!

Does he constantly take selfies of himself everyday and posts them all on his social network feed? Of course! Just ask his followers (all 4993 of them).

Does he give a damn about the dirty looks and countless name calling? Big fat no.

Nick Wilde (Or "FoxyNicky" on FurGram") was a self proclaimed master of the selfie. He knew exactly where his head was supposed to be, as well as the lighting, angle of the shot and what type of filter to use.


Speaking of which...

"Do you mind?" Drawled Judy. Rubbing her eyes as the flash of the camera caught them by surprise.

"Sorry." Nick said, his paws furiously tapping away on his cellphone.

"Really need to turn that flash off."

Once Judy got her sight back, she peered over to his phone to see that he was editing the photo that he had taken. Or more specifically: a selfie of himself and her.

Him, with that signature smile that he always wore. And her, surprised, wide eyed, ears fully erect and unflattering.

"Help me pick a filter." He said.

Judy gave him an 'are you kidding me' look.


He only shrugged, "Cuz I wanna look ten."

#2: Little Things by One Direction.

When you spend a great deal of time with someone you begin to take notice on certain things about them. Naturally you would ignore the details that were more obvious. Like what makes this person laugh? What does he eat? Where does he live?

You're more likely to focus on how he laughs. How he eats. How he lives his life.

You even begin to notice his most tiniest mannerisms. Like the way his nose twitches when he smells something that he likes. The way his ears would go fully erect when he knows that you're mad at him. And the way he wags his tail when he's scheming about something.

Okay, fine. I'm talking about my close friend, Nick Wilde.

We've been partners for at least a year now. And lately I've been catching myself observing him. Far more closely than I used to.

I mean it's not like I couldn't help myself. He was always there by my side, like any good partner should be. He'd be in my car. My apartment. And in every case that got handed to us.

Nick had quickly became a huge part of my life. Whether I like it or not. And even though most of what he does can sometimes drive me over the edge, the little things that he has makes up for it. It makes him imperfect. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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