Bunny hop Shuffles.

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Just like the name suggests. All of the songs on this shuffle centers more on empowering songs. Don't be surprised if this shuffle focuses more on Judy and her day to day struggles.

#11: Titanium by David Guetta ft Sia.

"Coming through!"

"This is Officer McHorn. We got a 10:31!"

"I call dibs!" the rhino gasped as a gray blur jumped over his cruiser.

"Officer Hopps. I am in pursuit! Whoop wooo!" she exclaimed. But McHorn could only stare in disbelief.

This was her chance. She can catch this perp! He can run but it won't be enough. She will catch him.

As she ran she undid the fasten that secured her orange traffic vest and just let it fly off of her shoulders, like it was holding her down.

The weasel ran as fast as he could. He darted in and out of alleyways, ran between the legs of larger animals and purposely knocked things over in hopes of slowing down the bunny that's chasing him. Though these last few attempts proved useless as the rabbit stayed on his tail.

He looked up ahead and saw the tiny gates that lead to a village compound for the smaller species that lived in Zootopia. Aptly named: Little Rodentia.

As a last desperate attempt, he threw the bag that he had been carrying around over the village's fence before climbing over it himself.

Judy knew the fence would just slow her down. So she took an alternative: she didn't stop running. She aimed for the tiny entrance. And just before the last second she fell on her side and the momentum of her run made her slide into the tiny opening. Like what she would do back at her parent's burrows.

And just like that, the chase was on again.

The weasel struggled with his bag as he ran through tiny traffic. And in his haste he knocked over a realistic looking donut sign that was perched on a tiny cafe. It rolled down it's roof and on to the pavement where it toppled over miniature cars and almost running over pedestrians. It was no larger than the weasel himself but for the small animals that stood in its path, the injuries may prove fatal.

It continued to roll down the street. A female shrew that was crossing the pedestrian lane stood directly in it's path.

She screamed. Flinching as the sign was poised to crush her. Judy saw this and reacted quickly.

Just before the sign was about to come down on the poor rodent, Judy grabbed it just in time. Stopping merely inches away from the shrew's face.

The rabbit Officer looked down at the shrew and gave her a smile.

"I love your hair." she complemented.

Once the shrew gratefully thanked her she scoped around for thug. She spotted him just a few feet away and immediately gave chase.

She quickly gained on him. And when she was close enough she went in for the tackle.

She arrested her first thug that day. Maybe the first of many to come. And Judy Hopps was ready for each and every one of them.

#12: Alive by Sia.




She hung upside down from the monkey bars, her legs wrapped around it as she pulled herself up.

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