The Vengeful Cat

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"I'll kill 'em," I thought rushing across rooftops, "I'll kill 'em!"

It was pouring rain, in the cold of night, but I didn't care. All I cared about was killing those men. Those men who took everything from me! Now I'm going to take everything from them.

"Dude, you shot him?" I heard a voice nearby making me stop to listen.

"I didn't have a choice," said another guy. I looked in a dark alley below me, that was lit by a single street lamp and saw a group of five men, "The guy was going to call the cops. The boss would've had our heads!"

"The boss isn't going to be happy about this either way," said the third guy, "Boss only wanted to spook him, not kill him."

"The boss is totally going to have our heads for this," The fourth one whimpered.

"Your Boss is the least of your worries right now," I growled as I pulled a kunai from my right leg's pouch. Leaping from the roof, I landed on top of the fifth guy, who had said nothing, with the kunai sticking out of his neck. Coming into the light, the remaining four guys gazed at me with slight terror. My outfit was a black jumpsuit, with kunai pouches on both legs. I also had a yellow utility belt that stored more of my gadgets. The thing that stood out the most was my mask. It had a black covering from behind that covered my hair, but the mask itself was white, that covered my whole face, and shaped like a cat. The cat mask had two holes for my (e/c) eyes so I could see. My mask also had a voice modifier so no one that knew me could recognize me.

"Dude, I recognize that mask.." said the first guy trembling slightly as I pulled the kunai from the fifth guy's neck, "I-It's her....The Bl-Bloodstained Cat."

"That's right," I hissed, "You boys killed someone very dear to me. That will not go unpunished!"

"We've gotta get outta here, Man," urged the third guy trying to pull the second guy.

"And go where?" growled the second guy, "The Boss? The Boss is going to be annoyed with us for messing up. But Boss'll be even more annoyed by us running away like cowards. So I say we take care of this Stray Pussy."

He seemed to have rallied the others a bit, as they drew their guns. I smirked, not that they could see, as blood dripped from my kunai, "Hmpf, good. It wouldn't have been much fun if you ran."

"Get her!" shouted the second guy as they began to open fire at me. Luckily for me the four men had such terrible aim, I was right in front of them. I ran behind them as the fourth guy turned to shoot me, I sliced his throat. Blood spewed from his neck and he collapsed. The three guys turned to shoot me, I quickly rolled out of the way and pulled out my pistol. Crouching on the ground, I shot the third guy three times in the chest. I went to move into cover, but as I rolled behind a large nearby trash dump, I felt a stinging pain in my right leg. I looked at my leg, as the two remaining guys try to shoot me, it appeared that I had been shot in the leg when I shot the third guy.

"Damn it!" I thought as I crawled to the edge of the trash dump to see the two remaining men, "I've got to end this quickly." I pull out my pistol and shot at the first guy, first in the shoulder then the head. "Just one more left." As I peek around the corner again, the second guy was gone. I cringe as I try to look around for him.

"Got yah!" I heard him growl as my right hand holding the pistol, was placed behind my back, forcing me to drop it. I was shoved against the damp, cold, concrete ground as I felt something colder touch the back of my head, "This is the end of the road, for you Pussy Cat."

"Not until I see your dead body lying limp from the steel of my blades, the burn of my bullets, and the blood of my hands," I growled as I used my free hand, grabbed a kunai from my leg pouch and sliced his left hand. Causing him to drop his gun and back away. I quickly turned around to throw the kunai, but was stopped when I saw the guy had another gun pointed at me, with his free hand.

"Shit!" I thought cringing waiting for the impending bullet, then jumped at the sound of a gun. I waited for a moment, then opened my eyes. The man in front of me had not fired, but had a bullet hole in his forehead. As he collapsed to the ground, another man stood behind him. The man had blue jean and a black jacket with blue coloring near the top half of the sleeves. The most startling feature was his mask, a black skull.

I gripped my kunai tightly, cautiously watching the skull-masked man, as he placed his fingers to his ear, "Target: Found and Killed."
"Nice work, man!" I heard someone call back to him over the radio, "Another win for R&R! Team Nice Dynameat are heading to your position now. I'll be down in just a sec."

"Right," he sighed, then looked at me, "Everyone's dead, you can relax now." He started walking towards me, making grow nervous with every step he took. My gun had been kick far away from me, I just had my kunai in my hand, since I didn't really prepare for this. If I throw it at him now, he would most likely dodge it. He knelt close to me and reached out to me, but I responded by swinging my kunai at him. I hissed at him as he backed away from me, "Stay away from me!"

"Well, that's not very nice," the man said almost like he was amused by my feeble attempt to defend myself.

"Everything alright, man?" asked a new guy coming to us holding a sniper rifle. He had a purple jacket with a black T-shirt and blue jeans. He also had a black beanie with a green star on it, that covered his short brown hair. The beanie guy then noticed me, "Dude, you know who that is!" The Skull guy just shrugged his shoulders at his partner, as the beanie guy grew more excited, "It's the Bloodstained Cat! Wait she's hurt."

"Ray, Ryan let's go!" called a voice as two new guys entered the alley. The one who spoke had brown curly hair. His outfit consisted of blue jeans, a brown jacket with a bear head design on the back. He also wore a red shirt that had dynamite with a smiley face on it.

The second guy was British with dirty blonde hair. His outfit consisted of blue jeans and a darker blue button up shirt. He also bore sunglasses on top of his head, "Come on you doughnuts, the police are comin!"

"Hold up," said the beanie coming closer to, "We've got to get her some help."

"I told your friend and now I'll tell you. Stay the hell away from me!" I hissed.

"Ray we don't have time for this!" snapped the curly haired guy.

Ignoring him, the beanie guy, Ray, walked back over to me and knelt down with a warm smile, "We're not going to hurt you. We just want to help. I promise." He reached for me, I swung my kunai at him and cut his arm. He cringed, but placed his hand gently on my shoulder, "See, I'm just here to help."

Hesitant for a bit, but after seeing how he took my attack without fear, I decided to believe him for now. I nodded making Ray smile then he looked towards his partner, "Ryan you think you can bring her to the car?" Ryan, the skull masked guy, nodded as he carefully lifted me up.

"We've got to move, now!" shouted the curly haired guy after hearing the police sirens.

"This way!" shouted the British one as they all ran after him. Ryan despite his appearance was quite gentle with me as they ran, but it seemed like it made him slightly slower than the rest. We soon neared a green van with the same green star as the one on Ray's beanie. Inside the driver's seat was a man with a Hawaiian button up shirt and an elf hat.

"What took you guys so long? Who's she?" he asked as the curly haired and British guy opened the Van doors.

"We'll explain later," said Ray urging Ryan to lay me down on the seats facing the side of the van. After gently placing me down, he, Ray and the curly haired guy sat on the seats across from me, as the British guy joined the driver in the passenger's seat.

"Drive!" the British guy shouted as the driver slammed on the gas. As we drove away Ray pulled out some kind of first aide kit, from under his seat. He knelt down by my legs attempting to stop more blood from spilling out.

"I'm going to try and stop the bleeding, but she's going to need you to get the bullet out when we get back," Ray shouted to the driver as he wrapped my leg. As the bandages were wrapped around my leg, I jerked back from the sting, "Guys, I need help holding her down!"

"I've got an idea," said Ryan, then I felt something hit the back of my neck and everything went black.

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