It's not a date!

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*the next day*

*stills Akanes POV*

I decided to talk to Izzy about this hanging out with friend's. "So who are you hanging out with?" She asked me over the phone. "Kazuki" I said "OMGREEESH REALLY?!!!!" She yelled over the phone. "Yes yes why?" I asked her trying to heal my ear."It's a date~" She said I was shocked " no no no! It's not like that!" I said she laughed a little. "It's totally that! Where are you going?" She asked me "Just to the amusement park in down town" I said "hehehe that's totally a date!" She laughed "No it's not!" I said "Well have fun and act normal and dress nice that's what you need to know" she said "Oh alright well thank's talk to you later" I said "Yeah have fun on your date~ *Hangs up*" Izzy said "ITS NOT LIKE THAT! Awww she hang up"I said to myself. I knew it wasn't  a date at all so why are they making a big deal out of it.

*Kazuki POV*

I can't figure out what to wear! Oh i'm stressing for no reason but still I just don't want her to think I dress to casual for our date. Wait date?.... No! It's no date yes I may like her but she barely know's me for me and we are just friends. I started to find outfits that look good and put them on. "To classy.... puts on another pair* to casual... UGHH" This is harder than I thought and how much time do i have? *looks at clock* 30 MINUTES?! Crap I have to hurry

*Akanes POV*

*looks at clock* Huh I have 30 minutes well i'm already ready.... I have to much time on my hands

*Back to Freaking out Kazuki*

Ok so I got my outfit finally on its prefect how about hair? Should I have it jelled? No! She doesn't like it I asked her she said "No I hate men with Gelled hair" I remembered. Hmm maybe how it is is good *Looks at time* 5 MINUTES 0.0 No time to worry are any of my clothes backwards no good. Ok i got my wallet, my phone, my clothes are on right, I know how to breath... yep im ready.

*Akane's POV*

Did i come to early? I guess I'll wait here *looks at time* hes late... I told him I hate late guys oh well I don't mind he was probably having to clean  *Sees Kazuki and waves* "hey akane sorry im late" Kazuki said "Its totally fine" I said 

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