Chapter 2

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"Pringles... I'm doing this for you," Tina whispered as she brandished a large stone in her hand.  In her mind, she replayed the events that lead her up to this point.


Tina dragged herself up off the ground.  She wouldn't let this get the best of her.  She would have her Pringles.  Tina paced back and forth across her kitchen floor, formulating a plan.

"Well, Jaiden lives nearby... she likes Pringles too... maybe she'll have some?  I'ts dark, so she'll probably be so immersed in Youtube or Wattpad that she wouldn't even notice me breaking in..."

Which is totally not true.  I would know if there was a Tina in my house, especially if she was looking for Pringles.  My Tingles sense would tingle.  Or something.

Anyway Tina then began to prepare to break into my house.  She Gathered supplies and did a training montage, complete with epic sound track. 

"Wait, where is that music coming from?" Tina wondered aloud.  No Tina.  You know the rules.  I have to kill you off if you become self aware.

"Now that I have my supplies and I've completed a completely unnecessary training montage, I can start operation Go to Jaiden's House and Steal Her Pringles."  Seriously Tina?  Is that the best you can do?  Oh, wait...


Tina took a deep breath and threw the rock.  It sailed through the air and with a loud crack, broke the window.  "Alright Pringles, here I come."

A/N  Okay, I finally got Tina to read this, and she asked when I would update, so here's an update.  Also, I have twelve followers now, so that's cool.  If y'all have anything to say, comment.  Please comment.  Anything.  Anything at all.  Anyway, have a nice day Breakfasteers!  Bye! 

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