Splitting up Chapter 6

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Chris POV

"Sam you go with Mike and I'll go with Ash." "Oooooooo you want some alone time" Mike said then winked at me. "Oh shush it" Ashley said blushing. I smirked. "Here take this walkie talkie." Ashley said pulling them out of her backpack."Oh what are you five?" Mike said. "Oh come on already Mike." Sam said walking away. "Let's find Josh."

I walk into the library and all the seats are taken except one by a girl. Long red hair wearing a coral and maroon stripped beanie and leggings shorts. Oh well here goes nothing. I walk towards the table she is sitting by. She looks at me with her bug beautiful green eyes. "Uh...d-do you m-m-mind if I uh sit here." My face flushed with red. "Uh...ya s-sure." she answered. I smirked. I sat down. I work on my English Essay. I every once and a while look up to her eyes then quickly back to my work. She was gorgeous. "Hey umm...do you need any help...I mean if you want?" Her voice wqs likw silk soft and loving."Uh...ya I could use the help." She helps me with my paper. We play footsies under the table till the library closes. When it closes I walk out behind her. I nervously ask if she could come back next weekend to help me with work. She agreed and she gave me her number. We walked separate ways. And that was the beginning of us.

Return to time thingy
Chris POV

"Okay me and Ash will go to the left of the mines you guys go to the right?" I said trying to think of a plan. "Sure" Mike and Sam said in sink. They both laugh. "Okay okay let's find Josh" Sam said. Sam must really miss Josh.

Oooooooo new POV
Josh POV

I'm eating and eating. I can't stop. One word keeps piercing through my brain. Hunger. I have lost control I can barely speak. I chew on pieces of the strangers head. I am disgusted by it but I can't stop. I need control. I need to be saved or have this pain be over. IT NEEDS TO END.


God I miss Josh. I miss him so much. We have to find him. We have to save him. We have already lost enough of the Washington's we can't lose any more. "Mike?...Mike do you know where we are going?" "Uh...no... no I-" A loud screeching sound stops us. We freeze. The wendigo looks at us climbing up the rocks in the mines. The wendigo leaves. "Jesus hotsauce Christmas cake that was close!" Mike said. I give him a weird look. "What did you say?....did you say...jesus hotsauce Christmas cake?" Mike avoids eye contact. "Um....ya...why?" I start laughing. "What a weird thing to say." "Um...Sam...we...we...we found Josh" Chris said through the walkie talkie. "Okay where are you?" There was a long pause. "We...we..Um are near the big wooden water wheel thingy." Mike looks at me. "I remember where that is." Mike says. "Okay...okay we uh will see you soon Chris."

Cliff hanger I know I'm sorry I will update soon so sorry

Chris X Ashley After Dawn (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن