chapter 4

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I was told to sit at the back and to read until the bell goes, she didn't even say thanks for introducing my self!

-BEEEP-BEEEEP- And that was the bell, a cording to my little piece of paper my first lesson was english.

I arrived at room 36 dead on 9 o'clock the teacher wrote his name on the board " I am Mr vilithrax your English teacher. Take a seat anywhere you wish" he said scraping the board with chalk. Where was I gonna sit I'm the new girl no one knows me! Eventually all the seats filled out apart from one in the middle so I took that seat. It was a clean new desk so at least that's ok. It was same scenario for period 1 to period 4. When it was the last lesson and that same girl who took the mick out of my clothes sat next to me in science!

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