Chapter 4

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Great Now I made her cry , Anna is a really sensitve person , and I never noticed her eyes were green as mine , I decided its time I had a bath , I walked towards the bathroom and had a long shower.

After a good bath I decided to go to the cafeteria , I was starving , I saw Anna and her friends and a guy who keeps staring at her legs because her skirt was too short , I walked over to her , "Um Anna can I talk to you for a sec"? , She sighed and got up and walked towards the cafeteria door , I followed behind her , "What do you want"? she snapped ,

"Anna Im sorry about today , I did not mean it , please forgive me"? I pouted and showed her my Puppy dog eyes , She laughed , God her Laugh was so beautiful and natural , the chicks in My old school laughed like witches , so screechy and annoying , I noticed Anna never puts makeup , usually girls fill up their face with these thing but her face so Beau-

"Um hello? , Seth I forgive you , Why dont you hangout with us" she said cutting off my thoughts I followed behind her gain , "where is the food?" I ask her , "Oh ya silly me , i thought you finished eating" she replied giggling , We went over the food section and I was disgusted ,

"What the fuck is this"? I asked shocked , she began laughing that tears began falling out of her eyes, "Thi-This - Is -Th - The Food" she said while laughing and trying to catch her breath , after she finally stopped laughing , she put something green on my plate , "Try it" Anna said , I took one bite in my mouth , "What the hell ? are they trying to poison us" ? I spat it out ,and Gagged , "Your such a girl" she replied.

"Im not , it is the truth , where is the Pizza?" , "Whats Pizza"? she asked looking confused , "Are you kidding Me"? i asked , "No , seriously whats pizza"? , Good Lord she did not know what pizza was , Pizza was the God of all food and she did not not know what Pizza was , "Where is the cooking Class?" , "Its in the next building, Why? Anna asked ,

"Lets go" I took her hand and we ran towards the other building.


Once we reached the cooking class , he began removing the ingedients for whatever he was making , What was pizza I began wondering ,I think it Was some kind of Food.

"Pass me the flour" He ordered , I took out the sack of flour and gave it to him , Boy was it heavy ! He began rolling the flour and he pre-heated the oven , "Umm .. seth what are you doing?" i asked him clearly he could notice I was confused ,

"Im making pizza" , I just stood there watching him , god this boy was confusing one time he is a bad ass hottie with a leather jacket and now he was a sweet kind boy making pizza , preety weird eh ? he put the pizza thingy in the oven and closed it and then dusted his hands on his pants and the flour flew out.

then he smirked and put his hands inside the flour sack and took a fistful of it then i understood he was going to throw it at me , "Nooooooo" I screamed Laughing , too Late it hit me , "Your going down Seth Walters" I shouted , I took a fistfull of flour and threw at back at him.

we kept dodging and hitting it was so fun I havent Laughed in Years , and played too , then I slipped and fell on Seth , his face was so close , I think either I was dreaming or his face was actually coming closer and closer , his hands snaked around my waist pulling me closer and closer.... Until our lips were a centimeter apart

*TING* the oven beeped I moved away from him , Looking down I realized I was blushing at the thought we almost kissed , "Well the pizza is ready" , He took it out and it looked yummy I have to admit , He cut out a piece in Triangle shape , what a weird thing i thought , I took it and bit into it and oh my god it was the best thing I have ever tasted in my Life! "so how is it"? he asked while arching his eyebrows , "Its the best thing ever" I screamed in excitement and we both sat down and ate like hogs, I think im in love .......... In love with PIZZA !!!!

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