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"Mind if I put the radio on?"
I seriously need to distract my cock from exploding...
"No, not at all. What music are you into?" She asks as I tap through the stations looking for something I like.
"I've got quite a varied taste. From Thomas Tallis to The Chemical Brothers - via Bach and Chopin, from my piano playing."
Valena's eyes widen as they dart to me "You play the piano?"
"Yes. My mom taught me the basics and when she realised I'd picked it up quickly, she assigned me a piano teacher."
"Do you still play?"
Really? She's driving me off somewhere for sex and we're having a conversation about music and playing the piano? just feels...right.
"Not as often now I've moved into my own apartment, but I make time to play whenever I go round to mom and dads. I find it relaxes me."
"Is that what you like to do outside of work?"
"It's one of the things. I also sail a lot in my spare time. I used to race laser dinghies but Mia got fed up of not being able to come sailing with me, so I upgraded to a yacht."
"Mia?" She asks.
"Yeah she's my little sister. And I have an older brother, Elliot. He's not into boats - he gets seasick. He prefers wheels. My next project though, is to become a Pilot."
Val gasps and quickly glances at me. "A Pilot?"
I grin. "I've always wanted to learn how to fly, but it's a very expensive hobby. However, if the business keeps growing the way it has, maybe I can start in the coming year or so."
"LEAVE IT THERE!" She suddenly shrieks as a song I have never heard before comes on. It has a strong deep beat of bass and drums and the scream of electric guitars, topped off with deep guttural vocals.
"You like this song?" I ask in surprise.
"Kings Of Leon are rapidly becoming one of my favourite bands."
"I can't say I've ever heard of them."
"They're a relatively new band. That song is called Red Morning Light and is from their album called..." She shoots me a look. "Youth And Young Manhood." She smirks.
I can't help my responding smile. "I didn't have you pegged as a Rock Chick."
"Really?" She drawls. "What did you have me pegged as?"
"A country music fan."
She shoots me a look and I grin.
"I'll admit there's a couple of country music songs I like, but my main favourites are Guns'N'Roses, Massive Attack and The White Stripes."
I laugh. "You really are a Rock Chick!"
"This from The Chemical Brothers fan!"
"Hey! Block Rockin' Beats is a classic. It totally encompassed the 'angry young man' I was before I met Elena..." I trail off.
She reaches over and squeezes my knee. "She's very special to both of us, Christian."
"Mmmm...She...she did tell you problem...with touching..?"
Valena removes her hand.
"It's...okay. I'm fine with knees." I smile.
"Yours or mine?" She asks seductively.
Christ...Please let us arrive at our destination soon...

We've pulled off the highway near Olympia and Val has driven up a track which has wound round until we are literally in the middle of a forest. Just as I'm about to ask where the hell we're going, a wooden chalet comes into view and she pulls up alongside it.
"Where are we?" I ask in confusion.
"It's a hidden little gem of place that serves great food that they either catch or gather."
We get out of the car and I stretch up in relief. My eyes catch the sign over the door of the chalet: 'Cuisine Sauvage' which makes me grin.
"It sounds awesome."
"Oh it is. I stumbled on it by accident one day when I was out cycling."
"So they have rooms too? It doesn't look very big..."
Val frowns at me. "Rooms? Who said anything about rooms? This forest is pretty dense. Plenty of secluded space to...let loose..."
HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT! It all makes sense now.
We're having sex in the great outdoors!
She gazes at me. "You okay with that?" She asks huskily.
"Yes...If you really are okay with being...tied up?" My voice has gone several octaves deeper.
"Yes! What do you want to use?" She responds eagerly.
SHIT! I ran out of my apartment so damn fast I'm not even wearing a tie!
"I...I...didn't bring anything with me," I mumble sounding like a half-wit.
"Well I didn't expect you to carry a spare set of cuffs!"
I close my eyes briefly imagining her cuffed and naked before me and groan inwardly.
She pops the trunk. "I think I saw a set of bungee cords in here."
She rifles in the trunk, brings out a length of red elasticated cord tied with a metal hook and eye and hands it to me.
"Is this okay?"
"Well...I...I've never used them before..." I take a deep breath. "But then...I've never had sex outside either. Lead the way, Ms. Drake."

Fifty Shades Of Grey: My Years With Elena #Explicit [Fifty Shades] #fanficWhere stories live. Discover now