Sam X Reader

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Waking up in the back seat of the Impala, you are instantly blasted with the drifts of Dean's heavy metal music. You look over and see Sam is, as usual, trying to ignore it. It never works. You three have been hunting together for as long as you can remember and this is also about how long you have been crushing on Sam. You have been so close to telling him about it for months but you always end up choking.

"Dean, turn that shit down," u groan as you slowly pull yourself from your slumber.

Dean glares at you through the review mirror and turns it down.

"Where are we at now?" You ask Sam as you have your head up between the two front seats.

"We are about 54 miles from the nearest hotel," sighs Sam sounding a bit exhausted.

You sigh, slouch back into you seat, and hope to get there as fast as possible.


The three of you arrived at the hotel about 30 minutes later, seeing how Dean is ALWAYS speeding when he get the chance.
You went to the front desk and got a room with two beds since that was all that was available. When the three of you arrived to room 26, Dean unlocked the door and instantly threw his belongings down on the bed next to the window saying, "I call this one," as he throws you and Sam a smart ass wink and grin.

You walk over to the other bed and place ur stuff between the wall and the bed to try and keep it out of the way and off of the bed. Sam walked behind you and did the same on the other side of the bed. You both gave each other and awkward smile and then Dean announces, "imma go find a bar." He is gone in a blink of an eye.

By this time it was about midnight. You went into the bathroom and stripped of ur previous cloths only to put on ur favorite soft blackish-grey pajama bottoms and a bright pink shortish tank top. Usually you would mind wearing this in front of people but you just happen to adore Sam so you lost all the cares in the world. When you entered back into the room, Sam was in his boxers. He obviously didn't mind either. You quickly rushed over to the bed and got under the covers to try and make it look like you haven't been staring at him for the last 5 minutes.

You hear Sam just chuckle at your awkwardness. You instantly thought 'oh gawd'. He slips into bed next to you and raps his arm around your waist. You froze.

"Y/N, I have a question for you........if i have been picking up the right vibes here, do me?" he softly whispers in your ear.

You try to stay calm but your body is trembling with excitement and panic.
"Yes, actually I do. I kinda have for a while now," you manage to choke out hoping he doesn't think you are a creep.

"Really?" He says in shock. "That's awesome cuz I have liked you for forever. I was just worried that you would think I was weird or something. I don't know."

You roll over to face him. Your faces are within inches of each other and you couldn't be more traumatized.
"Why in the world would i think your weird?" you say with a grin and bright Y/E/C eyes.
"I don't know. I guess I was just nervous to ask you out. I mean, you are just so beautiful and colorful. You deserve someone as perfect as you are," said Sam as if he didn't even mean to say all of that. It just rolled off of his tongue as if he thinks about it all of the time.

Right then, you couldn't help yourself. You kissed him with such passion that he instantly rolled on top of you. You couldn't seem to part you lips from his. He slowly slipped your tank top over your head and met your lips once more.
You wanted him so bad and you have for so long that nothing was going through your head except his gorgeous smile and the fact that he desired you as much as you did him.
You slipped off your sweats and were left in your cute pink bowed underwear and your grey and pink bra. He held your hands above your head and gently kissed down your neck and down your shoulder. You couldn't help but let out a small moan. He placed your hands on the head board and rapped you fingers around it, telling you to keep them there. He licked down your neck, down your chest, down your stomach, and met you in your hip area. You started to understand why he placed your hands on the head board. 😉 As he caressed your hips and started to leave a hickey on you left hip. You moaned so loud that you caused Sam to smile and felt his lips bow across your purple mark. He slowly and gently slipped off your panties and threw them onto the floor. As he knelt between your legs, he ran his finger from under your breasts all the way down to the top of your crease. As he played with your bean, he then started to slide his tongue around your clit and between your lips, causing you to moan louder than ever, echoing off of the walls. He finished by sucking on your clit, realizing that you are dripping wet. "Oh Sam!" you moaned, as your voice broke a lil'. He rubbed his hands up your sides before sliding off his boxers and lining up with your entrance. He slowly tipped in to tease you a lil. You squirmed and said, "fuck me Sam," managing to squeeze it out through a moan. He slowly started pumping in and out, beginning to moan himself.
"Ohh!" You continued.
As he continued, he placed his hands on your breasts and pinched your nipples between his fingers. He started sucking on your nipples as if he knew exactly what turned you on most. "Im cl....close," whispered Sam. "Me t..too," you said quickly after. He pumped a little harder and faster, causing you to grab the headboard tighter than you have all night. You were both close to your climax. You moved one hand onto the bed, grabbing the sheets, not knowing how to handle this amazing feeling that Sam has brought onto your body. You felt Sam release his load almost exactly when you came. Sam then slipped out of you and laid next to you, rapping his arms around you and cuddling you. You felt so secure in his embrace. You glanced up at him and saw him grinning. He looked down at you and kissed you passionately once more before you both heard the door unlocking. Sam quickly flicked the lamp off and you both rolled over to try and hide under the covers, pretending to be asleep. You saw Dean stumble in and fall onto his bed right across from yours. He was out like a light. You sat up, rapped the sheet around your shinning skin and walked over to close the door. You turned around and saw Sam smiling at you. "Gawd, you are glowing," said Sam in aw. You ran over to the bed and jumped on top of him, instantly kissing him again. He pulled you under the blankets with him, covering both of your warm bodies. You both shared laughs and giggles and eventually fell asleep together, rapped in his strong embrace.

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