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Yuya laid on his bed and continued to think about what happened earlier that day. He had really hurt Yuzu earlier, "how long is gloomy Yuya going to stay" Yuya jumped at the sound of Yuto's voice, "Yuya you've been like this for hour you know" "I know but" he hesitated "but" Yuto said. Yuya looked away "it's nothing" "Yuya you do know that you can talk to me about anything right, after all we're stuck with each other" Yuya smiled alittle "yeah I guess I am stuck with you" all the sudden they heard Yuya's duel disk go off. "Hey it's Yuzu" Yuto said, "thanks captain obvious" Yuya picked up the duel disk and answered it "Hello" he said weakly. "THEY'RE GONE" he quickly moved the duel disk away from his ear "who's gone" "Serena and Rin" Yuya's heart skipped a beat "what" he yelled. "What in the world happened" Yuzu hesitated to answer "we don't know but they just disappeared into thin air" Yuya felt confused "don't move I'm coming over" with that he raced downstairs and out the door. He was going to get to the bottom of this case no matter what.

Yugioh Arc V Fanfiction YuyaXSerenaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora