Helppppp ;-;

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I need to write an editorial and I'm so dang stuck! ARGH! Here is what I have now:

A Ride Through The Night

Do you know who Paul Revere is? He rode in the middle of the night to warn the Colonists and militiamen that the British were coming. But... Did you know a female did the same thing, only she rode twice the distance? Her name was Sybil Ludington. She was very brave and was fearless the whole ride.

Sybil Ludington was born on April 5th, 1761. She was born in Kent, New York.  Sybil was the eldest of twelve children. Her family owned a big piece of land where they grew crops. She usually grew crops and farmed in their house and was not educated.

On April 26th, 1777, Sybil rode 40 miles in the night to warn the militia that British troops were planning to attack Danbury, Connecticut.


yeah, that's all I've got ;-;

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