His Surprise

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Eric's POV

Dani fell asleep hours ago, she's sleeping through all of Sarah's discomfort and restlessness. We've been here all day long and she's frustrated to get this over with. When I came time for sarah to start pushing I was a little worried with her being so tired, we spent about an hour and a half of her trying to push and push, we weren't lucky so we took a little break. The second time around when they had her push through a very heavy contraction I started to see his little head, she kept going until his cries filled the room, he was beautiful. Once sarah and the baby were both cleaned up and examined I got to hold him in my arms. Little Wyatt Oliver was finally here

Sarah: Dani must have been tired, she slept through everyrhing

Yeah, she didn't get any sleep last night. Our baby is so precious, I can't wait to take him home with me

Sarah: I'm okay with joint custody and everything, but he'll spend most nights with me. When he's a few months older we can do sleepovers

That's fine, but I do want a close relationship with my son Sarah. Your house is five minutes away so when your busy or you need a hand I'm there

Sarah: I know you will be, our family's on their way up, so you might want to warn them that Dani's asleep and so is little bear

I will definitely do that, but do you need anything while I head down. I'm going to get dani something to eat from that place across the street

Sarah: food would be great, I'm very hungry

I left out to pick up some food and drinks for us and headed back in with our family. Dani had Wyatt in her arms and the biggest smile on her face as she and sarah held a conversation

Sarah: Eric's back

Yes, I'm here and I brought food for both of you along with these people I found looking to meet little Wyatt over there

Dani handed the baby to me after taking the food I'd brought them. Our families admired baby Wyatt for a while and my mother was more than happy for her grandchild

Sarah: today has been the best day of my life. I'm a mom now and it's amazing falling in love with someone at first sight. Dani thanks for your help

Dani: anytime

What did you help her with?

Sarah: just stuff Eric

After the family left dani went back to sleep with me beside her while sarah cradled our baby. This was my little bit of perfect and I love it.

2 days later both Sarah and little bear were released from the hospital. I took them down to my car and drove them to Sarah's house. Once I made sure my little guy was sleeping well in his crib I headed home to Dani

Dani: your back fast, I thought you'd stay to play with Wyatt form a while

He's asleep and sarah needs her rest, so I thought I'd play with you instead. We have things other than staying in the house all day we can do

Dani: like what exactly?

How about we go to the beach for a few hours, we can have a picnic in the sand and talk.

Dani: that sounds nice, I'll go change while you gather the things for the picnic. Give me five minutes

I have everything arranged already, so how about I help you find something to wear? We can get out of here faster

Dani: I feel like your up to something, but I'll just go with it for now

I helped her get dressed and got her out of the house so my surprise can be set up perfectly. We headed down to the beach where our picnic was already set up and we took a seat on the blanket watching the waves crash ashore

Dani: today is such a beautiful day, almost perfect actually

Yeah, perfect is a good way to describe today. I know things are complicated and I know that it's my fault, but I don't want to ever lose you. We haven't need dating for a full year yet and we're starting a family which is all good. I know your who I want to be with for the rest of my life. I knew it from day one. Before we we're in this relationship we we're best friends and I'm glad that hasn't changed

Dani: so am I. Eric even though this is a little complicated I'm still here, I had my chance to walk away, but I'm here because I love you and I'm glad I a stayed because now I get to love this little human being I have growing inside of me

I'm happy that you stayed too

We spent the entire day out on the beach, when it got dark I decided that it was time to go home so we packed up and headed to our house

Dani: I need a warm bath and a nap, then this day would be considered as perfect

Wait in the car one minute, I'll be right back

Dani: your acting so weird

One minute then you can come inside

Dani: alright, but you only get a minute. I need to get this sand off of me

I walked into the house to make sure everything was set up perfectly. The candles we're lit and the rose petals led a path to the patio where her surprise waited. Knowing how impatient she gets I waited out on the patio, about five minutes later I heard the front door open

Dani's POV

When I entered the house I noticed the candle lit room and a path of red and white roses, being the curious person that I am I decided to follow the path which led out to the patio and there he was in the cwntwer of a big heart made with the rose petals on one knee. He opened the little black box in his hand to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. I stood there with tears in my eyes, tears of joy

Eric: dani your what I want, it's always been you and you are the only person I can see myself growing old with, I love you and I want to spend my life with you, will you marry me?

The tears I tried holding back fell as I answered his question with a "yes" he slid the ring on my finger then got up and passionately kissed me, this was truly an incredibly amazing day. One that I would never forget

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