Chapter 1: Downfall

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Keep running and you will live, the little girl said in her head as she ran from the loud clanging and growling.
The loud noise got louder and louder, the little girl holding her teddy bear ran to the end of the hallway which was a deadend, the girl turned towards the darkness. The hiss of an alien grew louder and louder until the creature emerged from the darkness and the creature opened its mouth revealing its twin mouth, the creature hissed and lunged at the screaming girl.

2256 November, 15th 13:45 AM IMS Event Horizon
The commander woke up at the alarm blaring,
       "Captain Tombs you are needed on the bridge right away," said a female voice.
     "I will be right there," said the gruff captain. He sat up and got dressed into his captain's uniform. He picked up his copy of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" as he walked to the bridge to start the day.
      "What is is Ash that is so important," he said tired and clearly not wanting to work today.
        "Sir we have found the ship that went missing two years ago, the Dawnstar it was last seen near LV-426," Ashley said and looked at her boyfriend/captain. They started dating before they were sent to boot camp.
        "Send an away team and tell them to bring weapons just in case there are bandits on board," he said and looked at her. Ashley nodded and sent out a notice to the Marines on board ordering that twelve of them go over to the Dawnstar. The Marines loaded up and started the video feed,
    "Marine leader O'Reilly reporting," said Alpha Team leader.
      "Marine commander Tyler reporting," said the Bravo Team leader.
When the Marines boarded a sense of uneasiness came across them. "Sir are you seeing this?" O'Reilly said and on the screen the walls were covered in a black slimy goo and the crew with holes in their chests were seen, as if something erupted from them. One of the Marines vomited at the scene he was the new guy and was not used to this level of gore, "Alright Marines split up and proceed deeper into the ship try to find any survivors," O'Reilly said. The two teams of marines started to move throughout the ship, meanwhile on the Event Horizon one of Bravo Team's members flatlines. Then all of them start to flatline while all is heard screaming, the last one to stop transmitting showed a Xenomorph. Tombs looked at it and then gets on the radio, "ALPHA TEAM GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES OUT OF THERE NOW BRAVO TEAM IS DOWN I REPEAT BRAVO TEAM IS DOWN," he yelled into the microphone. Alpha Team quickly ran back to the shuttle only to be intercepted by the monsters that killed Bravo Team. Alpha Team managed to kill most of the aliens but were eventually overrun and slaughtered, "Damn it we need to get out of here," Tombs said. "START THIS HUNK OF JUNK UP AND GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE," he barked at the pilots and they started to pilot the ship away from the Dawnstar. The alien infested ship went on a crash course taking the aliens with them, "Ash where is that ship going," he asked. "The ship is on a Collison course with Earth," She said rather grimly.
     "May the gods have mercy on our souls," Tombs said and dropped his Sherlock Holmes novel. The invasion of the Xenomorphs had begun and Tombs was powerless to stop them. "Send a message to Earth and tell them what is heading their way," he barked at his crew.

((This is the first part of Aliens: Resurgence The next chapter will introduce Red the mutating Xenomorph and his fight against those he called brothers)

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