124 Ways to Annoy Edward Cullen

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1.) Follow him around.

2.) When he asks what you're doing scream, "STALKER!" at the top of your lungs.

3.) When you're in the same room as him fall to your knees grasping your head and scream, "Get out of my head!!!!"

4.) Tell him someone wrote Bella's biography.

5.) Tell him they made Breaking Dawn into a picture book.

6.) And he dies in the end.

7.) Because of Bella ripping him and burning him so she can elope with Alec.

8.) Randomly sing High School Musical or Camp Rock songs when near him.

9.) Sing the Narwhal song. (Here's the song if you don't know it: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Narwhals/)

10.) Or badgers (http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/badgers/)

11.) Or crabs (http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/crabs/)

12.) Throw Bella off a cliff and claim she told you too.

13.) Convince him to do karaoke with you.

14.) Sing 'This is me' or 'I Kissed a Wolf' either would be entertaining.

15.) Tell Bella he's cheating on her with Seth.

16.) And Jacob

17.) And Sam.

18.) And Leah.

19.) And Rosalie.

20.) Go up to their table at lunch and tell him you're his grandchild, (in front of Bella)

21.) Ask him if Unicorns are real.

22.) If he says no start crying hysterically.

23.) Then call him a liar.

24.) When you're sitting next to him in a class stand up and scream, "No I will not sleep with you!" (Make sure Bella has class)

25.) Tell him you know the 'real' reason he's dating Bella. Then walk away.

26.) Shove food in his face.

27.) Shove it down his throat. (If he bites you extra points)

28.) Hire an assassin to kill Bella.

29.) Bring a gun to school and try and shoot him, (optional: when it doesn't work shoot Bella.)

30.) Tell him you're his #1 fan. Then scream like a fan girl.

31.) Make him dress up like Pikachu.

32.) Make Edward dress up in a wedding dress and Bella 'accidentally' walk in. When she looks surprised go, "Oh, you didn't know Edward was a girl?"

33.) Start dancing next to him.

34.) 'Accidentally' drop a knife on Bella's foot.

35.) Then drop it on yours so he won't be too mad.

36.) Go up to him and say, "I know what you are......A WEREWOLF!"

37.) Throw muffins at him, whenever you see him.

38.) Throw boysenberry muffins at him when he speaks.

39.) Ask him if he's anorexic.

40.) Or bulimic.

41.) Ask him on advice of how to be either.

42.) Push him into the sun.

43.) Try to cut off his finger, when he asks what you're doing tell him, "I'm making a necklace,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2009 ⏰

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