Elodies ordinary life

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My name is Elodie Bell, I have long brunette hair and blue eyes, today is April 27th and is also my birthday. I am 20 years old today and up till now I've had a fairly ordinary life. I was born in a small village called Rivers port which is placed near the east coast of England, not much happens here and everyone knows everything about each other. I stayed in school like a good child until I graduated and got all the GCSE's I needed to be an assistant teacher, my goal is to become a primary school teacher as I love working with children, unfortunately as our village is quite small there are no jobs around here for me so I've spent the last 2 years of my life lying on the sofa watching Adventure Time.

Anyway getting back to what I was saying, today I am 20 and to be honest I don't feel a difference. As a child I always wondered how awesome my life would be when I was older and I forever wanted to be my current age, but due to my lazing around all day I must say its not how I imagined it would be. I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed but my parents were coming round to celebrate this wonderful day with me (note sarcasm) so I had to get up. I dragged myself to my wardrobe and pulled on some denim shorts and a pink jumper that hung on my shoulder, I skipped downstairs and started preparing some pancakes as it was supposedly a "special" day.

I had just finished clearing the table in my dining room when I heard the door bell ring, I walked to the front door and opened it revealing my mother and father
"Happy Birthday!" They both said in unison
"Hi mom! Hi dad! I can't believe I'm 20! Doesn't feel like it at all!"
"Well Elodie, you barely look a day over 16" chuckled my mother
They walked in and we all sat in the dining room and ate the pancakes, reminiscing the past 20 years of my ever-so-eventful life, after the chatter started dying down my mother came and sat next to me
"Now Elodie, we have a present for you but you don't need to accept it, ok?"
I nodded, extremely curious of why I wouldn't want to accept this preset
"Well...Elodie... This is hard for me to say... And I am so sorry, I didn't want to wait this long to tell you but... Well... You're adopted honey"
Sorry it's short, this is the first book kind of thing I've ever wrote^___^ leave a comment or whatever telling me if you like it and rate it if you want :D I apologise if its boring, the idea just popped into my head and I decided to write it down, thank you lots! - Al

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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