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you smiled beautifully that first day alone

the walls were blank canvases, waiting to be painted romantic colors

our shoes were by the door and our bags thrown aside

we had our favorite playlist on full blast

there was no furniture to break or any people to judge us,

so we danced all evening instead of unpacking

we had few boxes and no one to call over

it was all so graceful and our lives were perfect

your warm, hazel eyes told me to worry not about anything else

and to just live for the moment

your soul has many ridiculous stories to share

and the garden we had together thrived for what seemed forever

but summer nights came and left

autumn leaves began to change from vibrant colors to dull

the air got cooler as the wind got stronger

words were thrown askew and spirits were broken painfully

corruption happened so suddenly

my heart crumbled to ash and stone

all living hell was here now, all because of you

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