Red Dresses And Taxi Tami (Lisa)

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And I'm right on time with another chapter :). Anyways since up to now (which to tell you the truth I wrote this chapter early so it may no longer be the case) no one has given me ideas for chapter titles I went through and did them myself, however I'm still open to ideas :) so without further a do I present you with Chapter 13!


My clothes were drenched in water, normally I wouldn't have minded, but this water had been full of who knows what. I shuddered a little bit and looked around, there were green trees around the pond, something jumped and I screamed.

"What the heck was that!" I whimpered pressing my face into Emmet's shoulder. He chuckled.

"Relax, it's just a frog kitten." I shuttered and the memories washed over me again.

"Relax Lisa! He'll be coming back up any minute, you just can't see him over the wave."

This time I could see and hear, it was almost like I was reliving the experience. A warm arm wrapped around me.

"It's okay." He pressed his lips to my ear. I looked up into his warm chocolate coloured eyes, and pushed his surfer styled blonde hair out of his face.

"I know, he just never stays down this long." There is a high pitched scream in the background, Blake looks up, his tan skin drains of colour.

"Blake?" I turn to look behind me.

"No." he says turning my face to his,

"Excuse me?" I looked up at him my temper taking hold of me.

"You mister are not in charge of me." I point at myself narrowing my eyes.

"I know." he sounds annoyed,

"Then quit it!" I go to turn my head again, but he pulls his arms up to block my vision.

"No!" he says again, I clench my jaw and pull my arms up to push his strong ones away.

"Yes, Blake." I turn on my heels and run to the water. A muffled sound echoes from the ocean, and I look up. A streak of glistening maroon floats on the water, I let out a scream as something brushes against my foot and as I look at it a voice echoes through my trance.

"Lisa, leave it! Get over here now!" Blake shouts

"Oh my gosh." my mother sobs.

"Lisa now!" Blake yells and starts pulling me up the beach.

"Lisa? Earth to Lisa? Have the martians invaded your brain again?" Emmet jokes. My lip trembles, and I inhale sharply.

"You okay kitten?" I clutched myself to him, and tried to force my tears away.

"Kitten?" He started wadding to the shore, putting me down on the soft grass, he turns my face to look at him. His clothes are just as wet as mine and his copper hair was plastered to his forehead, his amber eyes swirled with concern.

"Kitten?" He repeated the stupid nickname again. I sniffled a little.

"Do you want me to bring you home?" I shook my head, no home would only make it worse, my mom would be headed off to work again, and being alone wasn't a thing I could tolerate right now.

"So you just want to stand here in soaking wet clothes?" He mocked me lifting an eyebrow, which made me giggle, his hair fell into his eyes. I reached my hand out and pushed his hair back.

"No, can we go somewhere else? Maybe not somewhere public though." I said gesturing to our soaking wet clothes. He pursed his lips, his face blurring with confusion, when it cleared he hopped out of the pond and pulled out his phone.

"If this is dead, we're screwed and I'm blaming you." Emmet frowned at me as he wiped the water off his phone. He played with it briefly before putting it to his ear.

"Hey Tami? Ya it's Emmet, yes she's with me." I cocked an eyebrow and looked at him, his cheeks were tinted with pink. "Shut up Tami, so can you pick us up? The park, ya thanks." He hung up the phone.

"I got us a ride!" He smiled.

"With, Tami." I spat slightly, what's wrong with me?

"Ya," He looked at me with a bemused expression. "my sister."

I felt my cheeks heat up, why did stupid Lisa always have to jump in?

"Oh, so where are we meeting her." He smirked at me.

"North exit." He grabbed my hand and dragged me along. The black car pulled up a few minutes latter, the window rolled down to reveal a blacked haired girl who obviously had Asian heritage, she was beautiful. I hadn't known Emmet had a sister he had never talked about her, so seeing her was a shock, I hadn't expected her to be adopted.

"Get in or I'm going to drive away!" She hollered and pulled forward slightly as Emmet grabbed the handle.

"Tami." He whined, she rolled her eyes and stopped. Emmet opened the door.

"Ladies first." He winked at me and held the door open. I felt the blush creep back up onto my cheeks as I got in the car. Emmet crawled in the other side.

"So where to?" Tami said like a taxi driver.

"Just drive us home Tami." He muttered. Tami burst into laughter as she pressed her foot to the pedal.

"Off we go love birds." she winked at me in the rearview mirror, man why does everyone like playing the let's turn Lisa into a tomato game?


"So the red or the blue?" Tami questioned holding up a tight low cut blue dress, or a flowy red one.

"Where are we going, a castle? Party? Ball?" I asked looking at the dresses, they were both too short for my liking, and although neither of them were as fancy as I was making them seem, they were actually quite pretty.

"Of course not silly, just pick one." She looked at me, "Or I'll pick one for you." I shrugged.

"You might as well, it's not like I care, I just want to get out of these." I gestured to my wet shirt and jeans.

"Red then." She tossed me the red one and I turned to pull of my clothes and pull the dress over my head. It was strapless, something I hadn't noticed before, with a tight top that loosened and flared out ever so slightly at the waist. Tami gestured to the mirror beside her bed and I glanced at my reflection. The red dress made my bright blue eyes pop.

"Why can't I wear something normal." I groaned, as she pushed me towards the door.

"No." she said stubbornly crossing her arms and pushing me out the door.

"Besides, Emmet's favourite colour is red." She smirked slamming the door in my face.

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