
16 1 4

I've become numb
I no longer care

I no longer worry about getting hurt
Cus I know it's gonna happen eventually

Years of pain and painful reminders have dulled my senses, blinded me, concealed me.
Why is it that people with big hearts tend to feel alone?
Is it because when we help others, they aren't there when we need them?
Is it that we care too much?
Think to much?

Try too hard?
Not trying hard enough?
Do we seem weak?
Unable to fend for ourselves?
Or do they not care if we are alone, or hurt, or sad, or hysterical, or clearly on the brink of madness?

Please tell me. Why do always feel so alone, when i have friends who love me, a boyfriend who may not always be there, but thinks about and loves me? Or the fuck bois that tell me lies to try to get what they want? Why do i not feel... Whole? Happy? Why?

Why do we always  get
Hurt in the end?

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