Chapter 11.

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I awoke the next morning on a strange couch surrounded by feathers. My head was fuzzy; there was obviously tons of questions going through my head right now. To many of course to concentrate on only one, I just wanted to be at home in my comfy bed nestled in my blanket where everything was normal.

"Morning sleepy head!" Harry walked past still in his PJ's. Did I really meet Harry Styles yesterday? Okay I guess that really did happen. I could have sworn that was all a dream. Now it's just a dream come true I guess.

"Uh hi, Harry?" I said trying to get his attention as he continued walking around the room sipping his coffee.

"Hmm?" He asked like this was normal and sat down next to me black coffee still in hand.

"Where am I? What time is it? Why am I in different clothes than last night? And for the love of God what is with all of the feathers?!" Every single thing I had been thinking began to tumble out of my mouth and there was no stopping it.

"Well you are at the one and only One Direction hotel suit in the heart of Chicago. It's about noonish. You changed into some of my clothes last night because you said yours were too uncomfortable. Huh thats weird you don't remember that because while you were changing Louis--" he coughed realizing what he was about to say and started changing the subject. "Anyways as for the feathers I can't really tell you what happened there they sort of just appeared."

"I'm still in Chicago and its noon?! My mom is probably freaking out!!" I was frantically searching for my phone when I truly began to process everything he had said.

"Harry... what was it you said Louis did while I was changing?"

"Oh nothing it was harmless he wasn't really going to do anything." then he whispered under his breath, "at least I hoped not."

I just blew that off even though I wanted to find out what happened more each second. I checked my missed calls and text messages. They were all from Logan, 15 missed calls and 50 text messages. Aww he was worried about me, how sweet. But my mom didn't even call once; didn't she realize I was still gone?

There was a text that just came in that made was going to make my life a fucking nightmare. It was from Peter I had missed basketball today.


Rebecca, you missed practice today that means the next time you actually decide to show up for it you're running 10 line drills and two miles outside on the day of my choice. Plus no water breaks for a week and you will have to come in before and stay after practice to run more. Oh yeah and you are in charge of the team laundry for the summer. I will make your life a living hell if you decide to skip out again. Hope to see you show up next time.

I couldn't go back to basketball I wouldn't even make it through the first line drill let alone 10! I had never missed a practice before and that was exactly the reason why. I guess this wasn't all so bad I didn't like basketball anyways so this was a good time to probably quit. Maybe I could just hide out with Harry where my mother would never find me.

I sulked back into the couch and locked my phone, just seeing his name made me wanted to puke. There was nothing I could do about missing practice now so I knew I shouldn't let it get me down and ruin this perfect moment with Harry.

"Well what do we do now?" I wasn't sure if he would drive me home or I would stay here or what was happening.

"Well Bec we have another concert tonight and if you want to come you can and then I could drive you home afterwards. Uh-hh I mean if you don't want to go that's fine, but I know it's a lot more entertaining when you're there." He actually wanted me to stay with him!

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