Justin Bieber Imagine 13: My Life

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This one is for Mary.:) sorry it took long love!^.^

I was at the hospital sitting next to my mother's bed. she has grown very Ill because of cancer and no one thinks she's going to make it.

I was holding her hand. Justin was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

"I love you baby girl." my mom said. it wasn't a strong voice like the way it used to be. it was a low coarse voice.

I had tears in my eyes.

"I love you to mom." she smiled.

"Justin" she said. he walked around me and stood next to my mom taking her other hand. he too had tears in his eyes. we have been dating for a little over a year now and Justin and my mom have gotten close.

"yes?" he asked.

"I want you to know I'm very proud of you. thank you so much for being there for my daughter when I couldn't be. I want you to know I see you as my own son. I love you so very much." i had tears coming out of my eyes. my mom was smiling with tears rolling down her cheeks along with Justin. her hand was on his cheek and he held it.

he smiled "that means a lot. I love your daughter with all my heart and I love you too." he bent down and hugged her, when he got back up he went back behind me.

"Mary, I want you to know, after your father died..."


my dad was in the military. he's the reason me and Justin met. he wanted Justin to come out for a benefit concert for the men and women serving the country and Justin of course agreed. I met him and he ended up becoming friends with me. the next year, a week or two after everyone in my family found out about me and Justin dating, my dad's division got ambushed and he, along with other men and women, didn't survive. Justin was close to my dad. they always hung out together when they could. when he died Justin was just as devastated. he sang at his funeral and got choked up after. we both have my dad's dog tags.


"..after your father died, I promised to be there for you and take on both roles. there are so much I need to teach you but all I can say now is live life the way you want it to be. make the choices you would think we would be proud of you for.I'm already beyond proud of you. "

"I promise you I will make you and daddy even more proud up there in heaven." I struggled to smile but I made it happened.

"Mary, Justin, one more thing.

"what is it mom?" I asked.

"I know, you are pregnant."

me and Justin looked at each other in shock.

"wait what?" I asked.

"just trust me. I know this sounds crazy but I can just tell. a mother knows these things. if you don't believe me think about the last time you were on the dot, so to say."

I sat there and realized, even though I miss a few periods cause I'm irregular, I did miss one.

I looked up at her than Justin and nodded and smiled.

"now, I'm not mad whatsoever cause I know for a fact you two will end up together forever. I just want to give you permission now ,Justin to have my daughter's hand." Justin smiled at me and her." thank you"

I sat there shocked.

"oh my God mom!!" I hugged her.

her eyes were starting to get heavy.

"I love you both so very much. make me proud."

with that she closed her eyes.

"mom. no mom!!! mom please!!!" I broke down sobbing. Justin pulled me back as the nurses came in. he held me in a strong hug on the floor on the other side of the room. he was rocking me and shh-ing me.


a week later we had her funeral. she was getting buried next to my dad's grave. Justin sang Amazing Grace with tears in his eyes. after the funeral I kissed both of the graves and went home. this time with no one there. I got there and went into my parents rooms looking at all the pictures of us and both my parents together. I sat there and started sobbing. I took the pictures and went into my room and put them in my suitcases along with all my other things. I was moving in with Justin. by the way mom was right. I am pregnant. with twins, a boy and a girl. we spoke bout it and thought we would name them after my parents. we got to Justin's house and Pattie was there cooking. she saw me and gave me a big hug.

"hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" she asked, still holding me.

"ok. I'm just tired." she nodded.

"well if you're hungry we can eat than you can go straight to bed." she said smiling. I smiled and said ok. she kissed my head and walked to get something.

"me and Justin got you something" she said smiling she looked at Justin and he smiled too.

"I got you this" it was a heart necklace that said

"Jeremiah 29:11" I know the Bible verse very well. it's special cause my parents always told me that verse many Times. it became a huge part of my life after my dad died. not only that but it's something special to Pattie. the verse says: " For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

I smiled and said thank you. I had tears forming in my eyes. Justin walked up to me. He had white roses and one red rose.

"here. these are for you" Justin said smiling. I held my mouth open.

"thank you Justin! these are gorgeous." it was something special to us, having one red thing in the middle of many whites.

"Mary, I know the past few years have been really rough but you are a bright strong girl and I'm so proud of you. I love you will all my heart and you are my world."

he got down on his knee and I covered my mouth tears wanting to come out.

"I don't want to lose you ever and I want you to be in my life. I want to grow old and I want to see our kids grow up. I love you more than anything. will you be my red rose. Will you be my wife?" he said smiling. he pulled out a box with a gorgeous diamond ring in it. I said yes letting tears come down my face. he put it on my finger and got up to hug me. He spun me around. he put me down and we kissed right there. an atomic bomb went off in my stomach making my butterflies flutter around.


me and Justin got married not to long after that. a few months later our bouncing happy joys of life came into the world. we had a couple more after that. we grew old together being able to meet not only great grandkids but great great grandkids. I tell the story of those two years and how me and Justin met all the time. I told my kids than grandkids and so on. I make sure my parents are remembered forever by what they did, not so much by the bad, but it's good to still know. we are one big happy family.

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